Chapter 5:

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Four days now Dominic cooked, cleaned, and catered to his wife. Then every night she left and hone and did not return until about nine in the morning. Where was she going? What was she doing? He never tried to find out. It did not bother him much anymore this had been going on for years. They had been married so long he figured he didn't care as long as she was happy and lived how she wanted to live. He gave her everything she wanted and everything she needed there was nothing else he could do. They were married but he did not want her to fell tied down.

Laylonie was beautiful, but she was not the type to be around other people. She stayed to herself and Dominic had no problem with that. Dominic knew what type of person she was and that was why he married her. He needed someone like her to love him, and that is what he got. She took pride in how she looked what she would wear and even the company she kept. They had money, but even before he got with her, she was never there for his money to keep her stylish life going, she had her own.

"Laylonie, honey where are you going now" said Dominic getting out of bed following her to the shower. She did not respond, she looked at him and got in the shower. He stood there cold and naked but not for long. He put on some underwear, went into the kitchen and made some coffee. After a while he heard the door slam. Laylonie was gone and the clock had just stroke 7:23. It was almost time for him to go to work.

On his way to work Dominic thought about ways to get Laylonie's attention again. He thought about spelling her name in roses and giving her full body massages. Then he thought why try, she does not love him anymore. He had lost the love of his life, and he did not know if she was coming back.

He is pulling into the parking lot, picked up his phone and looked up marriage counselor numbers. Did he want to do this? He kept thinking but at least he did not want to give up. When he finally got out of the car, he realized he was late from looking in his phone. He did not care all that was on his mind was getting the love of his life back.

Painful, he thought just painful. He took his post at the door. He was not there for long, before his eye caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman who looked as if she had been crying. When she stepped out his heart stopped. He hid, he had to know her. Why was she so sad?

When she made it in the building he waited and got her keys and parked her car. He went inside, she was gorgeous. The light over her head gave her an angel like glow. Her eyes were gleaming, and her hair was beautifully curled. Her whole being was defined as poetry. There was nothing more perfect. He walked across the room to her table. She was absolutely amazing, just stunning, it was wonder she was so sad!

He took a sit and they talked for a while. He was taking by her voice. So light and calming. Soon he realized he had said something wrong and had upset her. She got up and stormed off. Dominic ran after her, but by the time he made it to the door she was driving off.

"Damn I fucked up" he yelled.

He begins to think of ways to see her, get to know her. He had a plan and ways to carry them out, but where would he start? He knew something was wrong and wanted to make her feel better. No beautiful woman should be crying, or dining alone. He had made up his mind that he would do anything in his power to make her happy. No matter what the reason was.

His mind being to wonder. He wanted to make her smile. Open her door for her every chance he got. Tell her how beautiful she was and show her that she was an amazing person. Get to know her enough to tell her that she was the reason he smiled, and that he was supposed to smile when he saw her. He had forgotten he was married; he only focus then was trying to find a way to be near her.

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