Chapter 18:

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Sasha sat in the bathroom staring at the pregnancy test box on the bathroom counter. She did not want to even think about the fact that she was late and had not had a cycle at all since last month. She drank two big glasses of water and sat there thing. What if she was pregnant? What would she do with a baby? What would Terrence do with at baby? Oh my gosh! She was pregnant by Terrence. Would he even be there? This had to be the most upsetting thing ever. She opened the box and took out a test as soon as she felt she had gone use the bathroom.

Just to be sure, before to wet the stick she read the back of the box. She went ahead and took the test and sat it on top of the box. As she waited on the test to show it result, she picked up the brown envelope her P.I. had given to her. She wondered why it had not taken him so long to find him. Maybe it was that he was not hiding, or he was not as far as Tonya thought he was.

Just as she was about to open the envelope Tonya trust into her room and yelling. Sasha ran out of the bathroom to see what was wrong with her. She looked tired and upset.

"I can't find my car keys we need to go to the hospital now, my mom needs me. I fell asleep and when I woke there was a lot of missed calls from my mother. Hurry we have to go now." Said Tonya.

Sasha ran back in the bathroom and grabbed the envelope, she figured she would read it once she made it to the hospital. Before leaving the bathroom, turned to look at the pregnancy test. Her heart dropped to the floor; the test was positive. She stopped for a minute to take in what she had just seen. In that very moment, standing in that bathroom, she knew there was no coming back from this. Nothing she could do, but except it and move on. Before she knew it, she grabbed the test, handed her keys to Tonya and got on the passenger side of her beamer.

Her eyes filled with tears as she sat the test down. No, she was not upset, she wanted kids one day, just not under these circumstances. She was pregnant by a married man. How would they deal with this? She thought about his wife, of course it was too late to think about that now, but her heart was in pain for her. How was she, being the other woman supposed to explain to his wife that the baby she was carrying was her husband's. Sasha did know one thing. This baby would not be his secret, just as she had been to Terrence. It was not fair to her, and it was not fair to the child.

Coming up to the hospital all they could see were a bunch of police officers. Tonya pulled over to the side and ran in to check on her mother. Once Sasha gathered her thoughts and calmed down just a little bit, she opened the folder and pulled out the papers. Her mind was puzzled at the name on the paper. She looked through the papers and saw that this Terrence had three different names. She figured he was just secretive. She tried hard not to judge anyone who seemed to have wanted to be secluded. She remembered wanting to be alone as well before this drama came along. As she went deeper into the files, she noticed certain things about this Terrence that had been almost the same with her Terrence.

"Terrence" she mumbled "this was great, now I gotta meet another Terrence"

Her eyes grew big as she got to the last piece of paper in the file. She looked up in shock and looked around. She noticed Terrence's mustang in the front of the hospital. She grabbed the pregnancy test and the picture and ran in hospital. Knowing already why the Sasha was running the nurse at the desk pointed her to room where Tonya was there holding her mother's lifeless hand. Terrence on the other side of the bed with his head down.

"Tonya..." She said with tears streaming down her face. "This is..."

"My brother, yes I know!" Tonya said cutting her off.

Nothing came to mind as she waited for him to lift his head. This man, who had hidden his whole life from her. The man she thought she knew, had sat there and broken her heart more than any one had ever done before. How could he have been so reckless? Hiding from his sister, getting married under false pretenses. She was furious. Sympathetic for Tonya about their mother, but heartless about Terrence and his way of life. Sympathetic for his wife, but closed mind on how he could have been this way the whole time. Maybe Tonya coming alone was not so bad after all, maybe this was what she needed to find out anyway.

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