Chapter 15:

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It was time for Tomeka to go home and was not ready. She had hoped that she would have met the man that had been so nice to her. Unfortunately, he had not been around. She had packed all her things and called for someone to pick them up. She had not been to her car in so long and that was different for her. She had been in a place where everything she needed was within reach. All in the comfort of the hotel she had felt godly.

Tomeka left but she was not going home. Instead she decided to go look for a new home, she figured that she would stay at the guest house until she could move. Tomeka thought that if she was going to pull this off, she would need a job. So, she went on the other side of town where she had grown to love over the last few days. Since it was early, she looked around and wrote down every place with a sign saying they were hiring so that she would come back later.

While standing in front of the hotel she had stayed in for the last week, she saw a familiar face running towards her. Once she saw the man smile, she realized it was James the man of many trades. He stopped right in front of her and looked for a while before they both said anything. Water in hand he opened the top and took a big gulp.

"leaving so soon Mrs. James?" said James trying to catch his breath.

"I left this morning, right now I'm just out looking for a job" Tomeka said with a smile.

She started to fidget as she saw the sweat going down his chest. His arms showed his strength as he continued to lift the bottle to his mouth for a drink. She crossed her legs while she stood there and watched him wipe the sweat from his head. He was talking but all she could hear was how loud and fast her heart was beating from looking at James so hard. She had not noticed how good he looked are the hotel. Maybe it was because the last few days she did not miss him or even notice he was gone. His voice began to fade in.

"I mean if you don't want my help then I totally understand, but there could be so much I can help you with if you let me." He said smiling.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where my mind went, what were you saying?" she said giggling.

"how bout we talk about it over dinner? Here? That would be nice right let me pull some strings and see what I can do." He said excitedly.

"Sure, that would be really great, but let's do lunch and not dinner please?" She asked.

"Oh, even better I'll see you at 1:00 where should I pick you up?" said James.

"You shouldn't ill come to you." She said with a smile.

He nodded and ran back the way he came. Once Tomeka looked at her phone she realized it was 11:52 and rushed home to get ready. She did not realize how much time she had spent looking for a house and a job. If he was helping with that this was even better. She had not had a job in so long because Terrence would usually give her money and she would save it. He actually did take care of home. He did well for someone who was never there.

She rushed to the guest house to take a shower and comb her hair. She had set out four outfits but none of them did her body justice. Or at least that how she felt. She tried on every outfit and at 12:38 she was about to give up hope. Then she looked over at the bags that she found I her suite. She had not worn any of the dresses or anything that was in the bags. She grabbed the whole bag jewelry and all and got dressed. She finished her hair and makeup and walked over to a mirror. She could not believe her eyes, she was stunning. So beautiful she almost cried.

She left for the hotel and got made it just before 1:00. When she walked in, he was already standing in the lobby with his hands folded across his body as if he was in a modeling photo shoot. She could not believe her eyes. She had seen this man in so many different uniforms she was not ready to see him in a suit and tie. This was going to be fun.

They went to one of the many restaurants in the hotel and had a seat. They both ordered their food and sat in silence as both enjoyed the expensive champagne. The flowers on the table were in the way so James asked if they could be moved. Once he could see her better, he smiled a big smile. Knowing that this moment was one of the best moments he could have had in a while.

"So," he said with a big smile, "you need a job? Why?"

She giggled. "What do you mean why? I need money to do things like live, buy food, go shopping."

"Yes, but you have a ring on your finger, is that for show or are you married if you don't mind me asking." He explained taking a sip from his glass.

"It's not for show at all, I'm currently thinking of getting a divorce." She said looking down at her plate.

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, that's a really good reason to get a job." he said clearing his throat. "how are you at running things?"

She looked over at him and smiled. "Depends on what I'm running."

"A four-star hotel perhaps" he said with a serious look on his face.

She choked and looked at him to confirm what he said. She could not believe it when she looked at him and saw that he was serious. She even seemed to laugh a little, but she could see that this was no laughing matter.

"I'm sorry, I thought I heard you say a four-star hotel. I cannot do that, plus that is a job you should be applying for. You have been here longer then I have, I'm quite sure you can do it. I mean it's a really big step up from breaking in rooms." She joked.

"ohhhh I see you got jokes huh? Well no, I like what I do. The people who work here already respect me enough for being so close with the boss." He laughed.

"the boss meaning, the hotel owner?" she asked.

"yes, he is the one who told me to ask you if you wanted it. With the exception that I teach you the ways around here." Said James.

"if you teach me everything, I will do it" she said thinking only of the fact that she may be able to meet the owner.

"great then it settled you start today." He said looking her in her eyes. "all I need from you right now is your bank account information."

She smiled and agreed. They finished their meal and he explained to her that she could stay in the penthouse while she ran the hotel. She could wear what she wanted, and since everyone already thought she was married to the owner being there would be perfect. She would not have a hard time getting people to listen to her. Everything was coming together for her and it was all because the owner, whoever he was, was being so nice to her.

Lunch was over and she had all her things moved from the guest house to the penthouse. This was going to be fun. She set off the look around to see what she had gotten herself into. She wondered how long it would be before she would see the owner. She met up with James and they began the journey of learning everything she needed to know about the business.

Once her day was over, she felt like she would treat herself. She walked over to the atm. She did not know how much money she had in the account. She did not want to check it in fear that she was broke by now. Knowing that if her husband had found out about her bank account, he would drain it and she would have nothing. She was happy to see that she could get a hundred dollars out. But the question remained how much was in the account. As soon as she pressed the button to see the account balance.

Two hundred thousand dollars was deposited into her account. The moment she saw it she had already known where it came from. In all her account read 213,723, she was happy to know that she would not have to worry about anything. This was her new life and she was happy with the outcome.

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