17. I'll catch you. I promise.

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Chapter 17: I'll catch you. I promise.

"No way!" The book thrown by me slammed against the wall and fell down; it had hit just a few inches away from Caeles' furious face as he stood by my door. "Caeles, you!"

He hadn't even flinched because he knew it wouldn't hit him anyway. It increased my frustration.

"I will not! I am not coming!"

I'd rather touch those Ruila leaves again!

...Okay, that's not true.

"Do you think I want to be here?" he snarled, but didn't set foot into my room; after all, it would be bad etiquette.

"Don't you have a mouth, you piece of shit?" I glared at him, but I already knew that he'd never deny any orders from his father. I knew from the book that he had a bit of a complex when it came to pleasing his father as Cassian had always been the heir apparent. Caeles in no way wanted to be the duke, but it affected him nonetheless.

"I do, and I'd bite your head off with it if I could!"

I grunted at his words and threw another book at him to get him to leave and he finally snapped.

"As much as I hate touching you, I will be left with no choice but to drag you over my shoulder-"

"Ahem. Lady Eleonora, if I may." An old man who resembled the typical proper butler from the movies interrupted Caeles before he got carried away with his threats. It was a pity in a way because I had a good comeback up my sleeve. "The Duke has requested that you prepare for the dance in the upcoming ball, as you shall be partaking in it with young master Cassian."

I crossed my arms as Caeles and I continued to glare at each other as Mr. Butler talked.

"The duke wishes for it to go well, so he has sent the best of the dance mistresses, as well as young master Caeles to help you practice, as young master Cassian is busy this day."

So that was the story. The duke was basically saying 'My son's image depends on this so don't mess up.'

I finally looked away from the golden-haired boy and let out a sigh. Does the duke really think that the bad blood between Caeles and me would disappear with just a few moments spent together? What a typical adult, refusing to see the problem as it is and waving it away just because we're young. This is a serious hatred we have going, old man!

After grumbling in my mind, I nodded and the butler gave a sigh of relief. Caeles rolled his eyes before turning around and walking off to the room we would use for practice.

Apparently, Caeles was lounging around at home when the Duke saw him and caught him by the back of his neck like a little kitten and said, 'This is a good opportunity!' and threw him in a carriage towards me. He even sent his trusted butler to make sure Caeles and I actually do practice. What a scary man.

Needless to say, the practice was hellish. Caeles refused to look at me with anything but a grimace and acted like touching me was a sin. I hadn't expected anything less, so I didn't really care. The dance mistress was scary as well. I could see the veins on her neck popping out whenever we messed up.

Another mistake. Caeles sighed in frustration and I did the same. We both glared at each other.

"Can't you do it properly?" He snapped.

"Are your hands that weak that you can barely hold on?" I snapped back.

We heard the butler let out another sigh from the side of the room where he stood. The only maid who's been nice to me, Lily also looked worried as she watched us.

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