34. Hey, will you last with me?

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Chapter 34: Hey, best friend, will you last? No? So not even this time, huh...

I watched from my spot from a low tree branch as the golden-haired main lead practiced sword-fighting with his purple-haired aide/friend. Caeles swiftly lunged forward and the boy dodged, having experience with Caeles' moves for quite a few years now. If I remember right, he was Caeles' sword teacher's son I think.

A refreshing smirk spread across Caeles' face as he fought and I thought about how charming he looked as the golden sunlight reflected on him. It seemed like the colour was made for him, with how often I related it to him.

Cassian and he had come to bid me goodbye. My father and I were leaving the capital for good tomorrow and so the brothers were invited to dinner, and it was decided that they might as well stayover today. Cassian was discussing somethings with him inside, and Caeles always felt stuffy indoors so he was spending time outside in my garden. I also came here once I heard because how could I miss an opportunity to watch the main lead's sword skills? Also, it was a beautiful time of day with the sunset close enough, giving the world that golden glow. Once upon a time, I would have tried taking selfies in this light. Damn, I can't wait for cameras to be invented already. It's gonna be a few years down the line though, I think.

A photograph...

I thought about it.

If I could take a picture of anything now, what would it be?

I didn't have to think so hard. If I could take a picture of anything right now, it would be of something special to me. Something I couldn't take to Ilaria with me. So that I could look at it and relish in the memories.

If I had a camera right now...

I'd take a picture of you, Risor.

Two days ago, I giggled, running through the garden with a pocket watch in my hand. It had detailed daisies engraved on it, along with Victorian patterns decorated the rose gold metal. Risor was running after me, and I circled a tree, teasing him.

"Come on, I told you!" I peeped from a corner and rushed back when he jumped towards me. We laughed as I continued to run, poking fun at him. "I'll give you a gift if you catch me!"

I had bought it when Mr. Viridis had taken me shopping that day. It caught my eye in the store we walked into. There's something so pure but mischievous about daisies, isn't there? I thought about Risor as soon as I laid my eyes on it. And now, I laid my eyes on him just as he finally grabbed onto my shoulder, his hand slipping grip and sliding down my forearms till his fingers were softly holding my elbow. I grinned at him and he turned away hiding his face; quickly letting go and stepping back. It's too bad he was always so shy. I'd felt his warmth in that moment.

"Alright. I keep my promises." I pursed my lips. "Actually, I don't manage to usually, but I do try with you." I grinned and held out my open palm which had the gorgeous little pocket-watch in it. Risor looked at it with wonder, not yet reaching out. So I huffed a little, and leaned forward to softly grab his hand, and brought the gift onto his palm. I pushed it towards him and he immediately felt at the engravings with his fingertips.

Then, an actual daisy was manifested into his hand, which he then held out towards me. I touched its petals and listened to its voice.

"It's so nostalgic. I had one so similar to this..." He smiled softly at me, and I returned it; both of us trying to ignore the little painful pang in our chests at the thought of all that he had lost.

"Did you know," I spoke up, to interrupt the mood. "Daisies also symbolize new beginnings?"

He looked up at me and I nodded at him, with an encouraging smile. "Once we go back to Ilaria, let's live refreshingly. Away from this rotting mansion."

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