28. Found a place to rest my head

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Chapter 28: Found a place to rest my head.

Eleonora Sollea.

She is the daughter of Marquess Viridis Sollea of Ilaria, and his late commoner wife Kaira Sollea.

Immediately after the death of his wife, Viridis remarried a woman, which led to the ruin of his relationship with his daughter.

He was a bad father that abandoned his daughter. That's what I knew about him.

Now let's write it in a different way.

Viridis was in a marriage of love that came to an early tragic end when the carriage carrying his brother Venor and his wife Kaira overturned, resulting in the instant death of them both.

Before Viridis could even finish his breath of mourning, the pact between the Sollea and Ceridwen families was brought up. For the peace treaty between the two territories to be kept, a member of the Sollea family had to marry a member of the Ceridwen family. The Ceridwen family had no sons, so Sollea's daughter, Viridis' sister Atresia could only sit by and watch.

It was supposed to be Venor Sollea who married Thalia Ceridwen.

Viridis thought about the people he had to protect. He looked at the sad brown eyes of his precious young daughter.

Before Viridis could even finish his breath of mourning, his second wedding was set.

"Don't come near me! Leave me alone!"

His daughter loathed him. He tried to explain, but he was never given a chance. Ever since the death of her mother, his daughter Eleonora only went further away from him. Further into madness.

Then one day-

"If you appear in front of me again, I will kill myself."

She broke her mother's favourite vase and picked up a sharp shard of its glass. She held it to her wrist as she threatened her father.

"I'm leaving. I'm going far away from you! I don't want you!"

A thin red line tainted her unblemished skin; her hand that he held so dearly in his own when she was born. So preciously, so tenderly, with so much fear... that he might hurt this precious little child. He remembered his wife laughing at his worry. Now that hand was cutting at... what was it cutting at? His daughter's skin? Their link to each other? Their relationship, their love?

Oh, dear lord... Tears pooled silently at the grown man's eyes. Where did it all go wrong?

The one person he was most helpless against in this world was taking advantage of his weakness; the sorest, most painful part of his heart. She threatened him with herself. She put herself- her life on the line for such a thing.

How did it become so twisted...?

"I won't come to you again." His quiet voice echoed around the room towards his little girl. "I will do what you want. Whatever you want. You may leave here."

The girl's grip on the shard of glass loosened and he spoke again, feeling as if that very shard was glass was piercing at his heart.

"But please. You will take care of yourself. Nothing must happen to you."

The girl nodded but inwardly she knew. That these were just his words as he played at being a father. He wasn't really such a man. It was all just acting. She knew that.

He'd asked her before. If she wanted him to send Thalia away. It always made her angrier. She'd yell at him in an anger he'd never seen before. She told him to leave her out of this. He was ready to send her away and bear the price of it, but his daughter only threatened him further.

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