57 | winner's high

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sorry about the confusion last night! I accidentally posted this chapter while I was still writing it, so I took it down a second later. Wattpad must've tweaked, and I'm sorry y'all still got the notification but couldn't open it :(

In the days leading up to Gray's next race, he and Tommy work on his new car non-stop, fine-tuning it perfectly for the event. A few times, I go over to Tommy's mechanic shop just to sit and watch Gray get hot and sweaty while working on his car. When I'm not sitting on a pile of spare tires and drooling over him, I hang out with Gracie at the penthouse, looking after her as she slowly recovers from her injuries.

I haven't been to one of his races in a couple of months, so on the night of the event, I'm pumped full of adrenaline. I'm more excited than Gray, who presses his hand on my jittery leg as we drive to the race, reminding me to calm down. If anything, his hand on my bare thigh only makes me more excited.

"I can't tell if I'm nervous or eager for this," I say, watching as Gray pulls off the main road and onto a dark, dirt path. "These things are so fun, but scary at the same time," I admit.

Gray smiles. "They are. The thought of you alone at one of these races terrifies me." He looks over to me. "But I'm glad you're here with me, Riv."

Then we rest our eyes on the familiar sight of sports cars lined up in a grassy field. My nerves build back up again at the thought of weaving through the tight crowds of rowdy people. Gray's car is heading straight into the middle of the chaos where everyone is surely waiting, ready to ambush him.

Then Gray veers off to the side, away from the noise and bright headlights. A few hundred feet from where the crowds lie, he parks under a large tree and turns off the car. Surprisingly, no one notices or comes to greet Gray.

"An upside of wrecking your car," Gray says, leaning his head against the headrest, gazing at me lazily. "No one recognizes your new one."

Then he gets out of the car, rolling his neck before he opens my door for me. It's only when he holds his hand out for me that I realize he wants us both to get out. I ask, "Walking around kind of defeats the purpose of hiding in your new car, don't you think?"

Gray leans against the hood of his car, motioning for me to join him. "Who said anything about walking around? Besides, it's dark enough that people won't look twice over here."

I smile, leaning against his car and between his legs. We're both facing the clay track, and we watch as everyone frantically moves around, placing bets and assessing the competition. "This is relaxing," I remark, feeling a cool breeze blow over us. Gray rests his chin on my shoulder, and I lean back against him as his arms rest on my waist.

"It's nice to just get away from all of it sometimes," he says. "Racing can be a lot sometimes."

I think back to the first time I saw Gray at a race, the way he soaked in the energy of the crowd as he stepped out of his car. It was mesmerizing, watching him enjoy it so passionately. "But you love it," I say, matter-of-factly.

The silence between us tells me he's thinking too. "Yeah," he says, "I do. For a while, it was my escape from reality. But it's dangerous. I was fine with it when it was just me and Tommy. But, it's different now that you're experiencing it all with me."

I maneuver my body so I'm looking at him. His muscles are tense behind me. "Gray, street racing is your passion. Your concern for my safety shouldn't interfere with that.

Gray takes a deep breath, picking a loose thread from my shorts. "I love it, but I'm willing to give it up for you, River. You're my new escape from reality."

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