ep | you and me

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7 years & 3 months later

gray's point of view

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Cheers erupt around me, filling the stadium with dull noise. I don't even look down at the soccer field, choosing to trace my eyes across the bright blue skyline instead. It does little to ease my restlessness.

"Gray," a voice to my right says, snapping me out of my trance. "Calm down. Enjoy the game."

I shake my head. "I am watching. Get off my dick, Tom."

Tommy scoffs. "No, you're not. You're thinking about her again. Just say you miss her, dude. We understand."

I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and rubbing my face. A tired groan escapes me. "I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about her today. It feels like she left just yesterday."

A hand reaches over Tommy and pats me on my shoulder. "We all miss her," Violet says gently. "But there's nothing any of us could've done about it. Letting her go was the best choice you could've made for her."

Tommy adds, "We all wish she could be here with us right now."

"You just have to trust that she's okay. Even if you're not there with her," Sadie reassures. "She'd want you to enjoy yourself. You deserve that, Gray."

"I know," I say quietly, rubbing my eyes roughly. A part of me will always feel empty when she's not around. "I just don't think I'll ever get used to her not being here. She should've been here today, watching all this."

I lift my head and finally look down at the soccer game unfolding below us. The US Women's National Soccer Team is tied with Brazil's, and the spectators are charged with excitement. I'm trying so hard to get lost in the energy, but I can't concentrate.

I can't stop missing her.

My eyes track the ball as a familiar blonde gains possession, dribbling down the field in a fashion that I've seen so many times before. Peyton sprints down the field, taking on the last defender left between her and the goal. She shoots, and we all hold our breaths as the ball flies in slow-motion toward the net. The goalie's fingers graze the underside of the ball, tipping its trajectory upward the slightest bit. Nonetheless, it still makes it into the upper-right corner of the net.

Everyone explodes into cheers once more. Violet shoots upward out of her seat, screaming and jumping up and down. Tommy and Sadie get up as well, yelling almost as loud. I stand up in time to see Peyton's eyes, glittering with adrenaline and glory, scanning the crowd to find us.

"GOOOOOAL. Scored in the 61st minute by number eleven, Peyton Graham," the stadium announcer says over the speakers. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the 50th goal of her international career. That puts the United States up 2-1."

After her teammates tackle, congratulate, and release her, Peyton holds up two thumbs that I return, a far-away congratulations for her amazing goal. Even from here, I can see her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she takes in the four of us standing here. Just the four of us.

She grins and cradles her arms in front of her, mimicking the motion of rocking a baby. I grin and gesture over my shoulder. Peyton's smile widens and she turns back around to join her teammates, lingering her eyes on us as she walks away.

Sadie turns to me, a concerned look on her face. "Maybe you should go make sure they're okay. She's been gone with him for a pretty long ti--"

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