60 | animal inside

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I slide off of him, moving my body so my head is resting on his chest again. My lips taste salty now.

"I love you," I say.

He kisses the top of my head. "I love you more."

I scoff, "We are not going to be one of those couples that go back and forth arguing about who loves who more."

"What if I wanted us to be one of those couples?" Gray asks. "What if that's my idea of love and you're ruining it by refusing to partake in this activity with me?"

I sigh. "Fine. I love you more."

"Impossible because I love you more," he replies, grinning at the cheesiness of what we're doing.

"No, I love you more," I say firmly, smiling and starting to see the appeal of doing this.

"Holy shit, you guys are annoying," Peyton says, standing over us with a Frisbee in her hand. "Since when are y'all one of those couples?"

"Don't worry about it," we both reply.

Peyton grimaces at us talking in unison but decides to brush it off. "If you two are done being gross over here, Violet and I would like to play Frisbee. Couples against couples."

"Against Gracie, Liam and Chewie," Gracie chimes in, coming up next to Peyton with a juice pouch in hand and Liam's hand in the other. Chewie barks in agreement next to her then start digging in the sand. Gracie laughs and drags him and Liam toward the water, saying something about digging a hole to South Korea. Gray rotates his body so he can keep an eye on them.

Peyton nods. "Of course. Me and Sadie. You two disgustingly adorable human beings. Tommy and Vi. Gracie, Liam, and Chewie."

Gray and I sit up, excited by the idea. "Y'all are just asking for your asses to be handed to you on a platter," I say, cracking my knuckles dramatically. "Gray and I are going to dominate."

Peyton scoffs and starts pulling her hair into a bun. "There's no way I'm letting you get near this ass of mine," she laughs, shooting me a competitive stare.

Violet walks up. "Just letting y'all know I play to win. And I play dirty."

"Yeah, we'll play real dirty," Tommy says, coming up beside Violet and slinging his arm around her. But I don't think he understands just how serious Violet is about winning.

"Dude," Gray says, standing up, "Shut the fuck up."

"Suck my dick, Gray," Tommy says. "You don't control me."

"The sexual tension between you two is incredible," I say, looking between them. Tommy laughs and presses a quick kiss to Gray's cheek before he can stop him. Gray grimaces and wipes his face. "I'm out of your league, Tom," Gray says to him.

"You wound me," Tommy says, holding a hand to his heart. "And just for that, I'm going to kick your ass at Frisbee."

"Hell yes," Violet yells. "Let the games begin."

Gracie and Liam continue to dig their hole, and Gracie tells us that they don't want to play anymore because they don't like old people games. We all laugh, but I feel the shift in mine, Peyton's, and Violet's attitudes. This means war.

Without the seven-year-olds' safeties to worry about, I switch into competition mode, even though this is supposed to be a friendly beach game. After playing soccer with Pey and Vi for over ten years, I know how intense they're going to get. If anything, I don't think Sadie, Tommy, or Gray are ready for what's about to go down.

Taming the Street Racer ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang