August's bad habits

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August's POV~

I haven't gone to school for like 3 days. Not that anyone except maybe Tommy would notice. I never moved from my bed. My warm skin was pale. I had bags under my eyes. My pink lips standing out like a sore thumb compared to my skin. I got yelled at by my mom saying I needed to go to school. So I put on a pair of jean shorts and a baggy sweater. I sprayed it with my favorite perfume so I could be smelling something nice. I was going to eat something but decided not to no matter how much my stomach growled. I brushed my teeth and headed out. I texted Tommy and asked him to give me a ride. I dint feel like driving. Not like I would. I felt sick and my vision was constantly getting blurry. Thomas pulled up finally.

"Hey bud- woah."


"You look horrible"


"No not like that. You look sick bud. Are you okay?".

"Yeah just tired."

"Stop saying you're tired all the time and tell me the truth."

"I am tired, really."

"Okay August."

We made conversation driving to school. We pulled up and I saw Adrian with his big group of guy friends walking by. I dint want him to see me like this so I stayed in the car.

"Are you coming?"

"Yeah just give me a second."

"Wait, Augy?."


"You're starting your weird eating habits again, right?."

"What, no."



"Tell me."

"Go away."

I slammed the car door not being able to wait any longer and left to got toward the school. I saw Adrian and just kept my distance. He dint notice me in the halls before and he won't now.

"AUGUST!" I heard Tommy calling out behind me.

I sped up my pace and went inside my class. No one really noticed. Half way through I could barely stay awake. I had no fuel. I was laying head down just for a second when I made eye contact with Adrian. I felt gross and put my hoodie on to hide my face. The bell finally rang. Adrian walked towards me in a fast pace and I was about to run when I collided with someone's chest. It was Tommy. Just great.

"August I'm taking you to go eat something let's go."

I snatched my hand away.

"No, Tommy I'm fine."

"August." Adrian called out from behind me. I froze. Forgetting he was behind me.


"We have a project to complete let's go."

I was confused for a second than realized he was making an excuse to talk to me.

"Oh yeah, sorry I'm coming"
I turned and Tommy grabbed my wrist.

"Augy call me later okay?."

I nodded and walked away with Adrian. We walked into a empty class and locked the door.

"Sorry I wasn't here the past few days, I just had to take care of some thing-."

"What the hell in wrong with you."


"Look at you're self. You look sickly."

I looked down.

"I know okay?"

"You look gross, sick. Why the hell do you look like that? Have you looked in a mirror? You're u-"

" I know geez." My voice cracked unexpectedly. I kept my head down and made a move to leave.

" August you know I dint mean it like that-."

"it's fine Adrian just let me go."

I walked towards the door an opened the door. Well tried to. Someone locked us in. Probably a janitor. Dammit.

"Someone locked us in from the outside."

"Seriously? Fuck."

Adrian tugged onto the door as he could. But his efforts went to waste.

We sat down in random desks and waited. We had no service and I just played dumb games that you dint need any service to play. Suddenly Adrian was in front of me. He pulled up a chair and grabbed my face. He studied it and squinted his eyes. My face was pale like hell and lips were starting to turn purple. His expression softened and he looked at me in the eye. He picked me up and awkwardly hugged me. 

"You're skinnier than usual."


"Have you eaten?"



"No" I answered letting my head hang low.

"In how long?"

"I don't know like 4 days."


"I know I know I'm sorry." I said suddenly hugging him tightly and crying into his chest "I know I should've Im sorry...."


I felt dizzy and my stomach started hurting . I grabbed onto his hand for support and let myself fall onto him.


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