Adrian Step's up

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August's POV~

It's been a week since me and Adrian started dating. My friends know but that's it. We have our moments at home, at school we're discreet and don't attract attention. It did bother me that everyone thought he was single but, I understood he had his own reasons for not coming out.

  I came to school in black skinny jeans. And Adrian's hoodie. You couldn't tell it was his because it was just a normal hoodie. The only way you would know is if you kept track of what he wears. Which is uhh, kind of weird if you do. Unless you're dating him of course.

  I walked into school and walked towards my friends. Alyssa, Miley, Abigale, and Tommy. Tommy was hugging Miley from behind while they were talking. I smiled at the gesture. 

The halls were crowded today. And being shorter and not being seen by taller figures was unpleasant. I got shoved lightly and brushed against Adrian. He looked mad than looked down at me. His eyes softened as he discreetly touched my waist to steady me, as he kept talking.

The though kind of of upset me. I have a boyfriend who will never show me affection other than when we're alone. Although I haven't been in long term relationship, I still liked the presence of him always around.

Tommy must of noticed I was a bit gloomy because he kept glancing at me.  He came up to me after class, helping shove my books in my bag.

"Hey August"


"We haven't hung out in a while want to? It's been forever. I miss you."

August rolled his eye playfully

"Of course you do, it's me."
We both chuckled and walked out the class.

"Wanna go bowling?"

"Sounds dope."

"Mmkay." I said with a smile on my face. Now I have something to look forward too.

As I got home I decided to make some coffee. I was adding some almond milk, and my phone began ringing.


"Hey babe."

"Oh Hey Adrian Whats up?."

"Wanna hang? Im bored."

"Sorry Im going to hang out with my friends tonight."

"Can I come?."

"... I thought you dint want anyone to know about us?."

"Well they are your friends right?"


"They Can keep a secret."

"Okay I'll ask, I'll text you what they say."

"Okay, bye."


I called Tommy and asked him if I could bring my boyfriend. Tommy was exited to know who it was and said he would be happy if my boyfriend came. I smiled and texted Adrian telling him he could come.

I put on my outfit for the bowling alley:

I put on my outfit for the bowling alley:

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