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The sound of beeping.

That's the only sound that filled my ears. Not laughter. Not my special someone complimenting me. Not an annoying kid making snarky remarks. Nothing.

Just beeping.

I tried to move but I felt as if hundreds of pounds were weighing me down. Like I was sinking in quicksand. The beeping got louder making my ears ring.

I focused on my breathing. The slight gasp of the air entering and my lungs pushing air out. It felt like hours that I was listening to my breathing. Trying to drown the sound of beeping next to me.

That dreadful sound. High pitched. Too long for comfort. Sound. I wanted it to stop.

Suddenly I could feel. My hands could feel a sheet. A rough scratchy sheet. My toes cold as ice. I hate it when my feet are cold.

I focused on every part till I got to my eyes. I tried and tried to open them. Pushing for them to comply.

Suddenly light entered making my eyes water. My head rung. Throbbing the beeping far away and only a ring in my head could be heard. I could feel my heart in my head. The thumping pushing up against my skull. Asking to escape.

I shut my eyes trying to escape the sharp pain running through my head.

"August." A groggy voice asked.

I opened my eyes once again. Desperate for the feeling. That feeling of not being alone. The feeling of being in control with my body.

Ignoring the light that threatened to blind me I looked. My blue orbs darting from left to right. Trying to find the source of the voice.

Till my eyes stopped. And a figure appeared. A familiar figure. One that looked like me.

It was Griffin. The one brother who was the cool kid. The one who gave me a hard time about everything. Teased me and showed me the least amount of love so I knew he loved me but could still question it. His hard exterior was absolutely torn. His eyes were puffy and red. There was snot running down his nose. His hair was going in every direction possible. He was shaking. But he was here. The only one here. And for that I'm thankful.

"Griffin?" My voice came out strained. Barely audible. I feel like I've just been eating rocks for a month.

"I'm here Augy. I'm here." He said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

With all the strength I could possibly muster I tried to squeeze back. It was small and it was weak but it was there.

I felt cold hands against my cheek and water dripping onto my forehead.

"August I love you so much. Your the best brother in the world. I like you for you and I would never change anything about you. Do you understand?."

" my feet are cold." Was all I could reply.

He cracked a smile.

"Of course they are. You hate cold feet. You really hate cold feet." He said with a smile on his face but the tears wouldn't stop flowing. He pulled out fluffy socks. My favorite pair. And put them on my feet.

"I remember you always talking about those socks and how they brought you luck or whatever so I brought them just in case. Ya know, for luck."
He rambled wiping his never ending flow of tears.

"I'm sorry." I replied. I really was. I can't think and remember anything but what I do know if that my brother is crying. And it's because of me. And that I'm sorry for.

"For what August? You have nothing, Absolutely nothing, To be sorry for. Just rest and get better for me. Okay?."
He rambled again putting a third blanket on me. And kissing my forehead.

My voice wouldn't come out so I just weakly nodded.
Than I let darkness swallow me again.


Where do I remember darkness...?

Why was it so familiar....?

I rested but flipped through my memories for hours. All I could remember where my memories with my brothers. And high school. And who else?

Someone else who was in those memories. A lot of those memories. But I can't remember who.

The glass window. The cold glass window. The warm hand in mine. The flashing light. Than the darkness.

Wait the warm hand? Who's warm hand?

Who was driving?

Was it..... wait.....

"ADRIAN." I sat up screaming as much as my dry throat would let me. Tear were running down my face. I couldn't see anything. I just remember red. Lots of red and Adrian. A sharp pain pierced my right wrist and darkness started calling my name. I feel back towards that surface I was laying on. Tears providing the only feeling. The rest of my body going numb.

I can't let it take me again. I need to find Adrian. What if he's hurt? What is he's still there? We need to find him. Save him.

What if......

He's dead.



Sorry I took so long to update! Won't happen again.

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