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SUMMER AT SHELLSIDE BAY meant bonfires, alcohol, and the beach.

So, it wasn't surprising that I found myself at a bonfire party the next day, with Connor's arm thrown lazily around my shoulder and River doing a keg stand in the middle of the beach.

People cheered and counted around us. River began showing off, doing push ups as he drank upside down, beer splattering all over his exposed skin and the sand around him.

"Yeah, River!" Connor cheered beside me. His drink sloshed in his cup and I shoved his sweaty arm off of me.

"Don't encourage him, Connor," I chided. He didn't hear me over the chanting, so I sighed, turning to Everett on my other side. "Don't tell me you're going to do it too?"

"Does the little surfer girl have something against alcohol?" he quirked a brow at me.

I settled him with a deadpan look and his smile twitched.

"I have something against all of my friends getting shitfaced drunk and leaving me to take care of them all," I said monotonously.

"Don't worry," he raised his cup towards me with a smirk. "Just a bit of vodka."

I sniffed his cup and scrunched my nose. "That's all vodka."

He shrugged.

A second later, River jogged up to us – or, rather, stumbled – shirtless and grinning.

"Did you see me?" he asked, though his eyes settled on Connor.

"Yeah, dude, that was awesome," Connor grinned, slapping his neck.

River smiled and I rolled my eyes, whacking his head.

"Idiot, you're going to be so hung-over tomorrow," I scolded.

He shrugged. "Focus on the present, Isla."

"Yeah, Isla," Everett teased, leaning in to mutter in my ear. His hot breath hit my face, stinking like alcohol. "Focus on the present."

I shoved him away, folding my arms. Three tipsy boys were too much to handle on my own. "Where's Austin?"

"I don't know," Connor said, his words slurring and his eyes half-lidded. He turned, raising his voice to a shout. "Austin! Austin?"

"Austin!" Everett joined in, grinning.

I shoved his shoulder. "You're not even drunk."

"Just helping my man out," he said, raising his hands in defence.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't help."

"What's your problem?" he asked, furrowing his smile but still grinning mischievously. "I thought you were looking for Lover Boy."

"Yes, because he's going to hear us over the blasting music and cheering."

His shoulder lifted in a smug half-shrug. "He could."

I narrowed my eyes at him in a sharp glare which he met with a smug tilt of his lips, his eyes glittering with amusement, reflecting the flickering bonfire. He was messing with me.

"Everett," I started innocently.

He lifted a brow, leaning closer to hear me over the music. "Yes?"

"Piss off." I caught a flash of his surprised grin as I turned back to Connor, only to find him and River gone.

"Oh, shit," I panicked, my eyes wide. "Where'd they go?"

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