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THE NEXT DAY, I leaned against the sands of Isla, the latest postcard from Sky clutched in my hands. 

It had been weeks since her last postcard, but as soon as I'd seen it in my mailbox, I hadn't been able to stop reading it. I missed her with my entire heart.

I flipped it over in my hands admiring the vibrant photographs plastered on the front. A massive ancient temple covered the background with smiling tourists in the foreground. I imagined Sky with her unruly hair and freckled grin touring the temple. She would fit right in.

I turned the postcard over and reread her smudged handwriting for the millionth time.

Dear Isla, I miss you! Yesterday we went to the coolest temple. I wish you were here. I tried some street food and ended up sick for hours, but I think I'm better now. Tomorrow we're leaving for Thailand, though I've probably been there for ages by the time you get this. I can't wait to get some shopping done! I hope you're having fun back home. Miss you! Love, Sky

I sighed running my fingers over the scrawled lines. Thailand. Temples. Shopping. At least she'd have better reception in Thailand. Maybe we could video chat, if she had the time.

She was probably busy having the most amazing summer – the incredible last summer we'd all planned. The only problem was that she was having it without us.

I glanced up to see the boys sitting across from me beside the lagoon, their bare chests still gleaming with drops of water. Their tanned skin shone in the sunlight as they bit hungrily into the sandwiches they'd brought. Beside Austin, Mia sat, invading Isla as usual.

I watched, disgusted, as they shared their food, feeding each other with loving grins. Gross.

Turning away, I vaguely remembered that I should be eating too, but my stomach churned, and suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore.

I released a breath, packing the postcard and my uneaten sandwich away, shoving it all into my duffel bag before leaning against it and the warm rocks. The sun warmed my skin, turning my brown skin darker and my black hair a hint lighter, streaking it with amber. My bikini, army green, stood out against my dark skin – still damp from swimming in the lagoon.

Normally, I'd spend my entire break swimming. Savouring the caress of water on my skin every spare hour – the kiss of sun on my face.

But today I didn't feel like it.

Isla had somehow managed to lose all its charm. I found myself counting down the minutes until I'd have to return to work.

Everett sat beside me in tense silence.

We hadn't spoken since our kiss. I'd left in a hurry, thinking Tom would fire me if I was any later. He'd scolded me for not texting him, but summer was approaching its end, and we weren't too busy anyway, so he let me off with a warning.

When I'd met with Everett this morning, he'd launched into a lengthy conversation about how hot it was, and how sunny it was, and how annoying all of that put together was. I'd rolled my eyes and played along, but I got the message.

He didn't want to talk about it.

I understood it. We only had less than a month of summer left, and then he'd be gone. Even if we wanted something out of this, it was impossible. We'd only both end up hurt.

Besides, I loved Austin.

When had this all become so complicated? I sighed, leaning back against my duffel bag. With the movement, my leg brushed Everett's, and he immediately froze, jerking away.

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