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I TAPPED MY PEN against the chipped wood of the counter, scanning the page for the surname 'Parson'. My eyes landed on the booking – today at 5PM – and I crossed it out with a wide grin. Our final booking of the day had cancelled, meaning I could leave early.

I slammed the directory shut with a loud thud and looked up to meet Everett's gleaming smile. He watched me with those burning hazel eyes and I warmed under his gaze.

"What?" I asked, growing self-conscious.


"You're staring."

"I can't stare at my girlfriend?"

I blushed at the term and turned away, casually rearranging my pens. "Not when it's distracting me from my work."

"You're finished anyway." He reached up then, his hand grabbing a stray curl and tugging on it. I met his eye and he sent me a pointed look. "Besides, you're too beautiful not to look at. I need to stare at you as much as possible before I leave."

I pouted. Because summer was ending in a week, and Everett would be gone after when I'd just gotten him.

"Just don't leave."

"I wouldn't if it were up to me," he grumbled, bitter. "My dad would throw a tantrum if I wasn't there for his wedding."

His smile had vanished, a grim expression replacing it and his brow wrinkling. I sighed, leaning onto the counter to cup his face and turn his eyes upwards. I knew he was angry at his dad. I knew he still missed his mum. But he had to face it. He couldn't hide here forever.

"The months will go by quickly," I said gently. "Then you'll be graduated, and you can move out for college."

His face lightened briefly before he released a tight breath and leaned into my touch. "College won't be fun without you."

"Then get good grades and transfer to Sydney," I scolded, releasing his cheek to poke at his nose. I turned, grabbing my duffel bag and shoving my things inside. "Really, Ev. If you just paid more attention in class, all this could be avoided."

"Not my fault your stupid colleges need such high scores," he grumbled back.

"Universities," I corrected. I heaved my bag over my shoulder and closed the shutters, locking them in place before locking the Shack door. Everett stood waiting outside, his arms crossed expectantly.

"Whatever they're called," he said. "I just want to be with you."

I smiled, leaning closer until he pulled me into a tight hug, pressed against his chest. "River would make you pay rent."

He hummed, his chest vibrating against me. He pulled back, pressing a small kiss to my lips before saying, "He'd probably make me pay double."

"I would."

I blinked, turning to see River frowning at us in disgust. I warmed, moving to pull away, but Everett's arms only tightened around me.

"Hurry up," River said, arching a brow. "We're going to Isla."


With Sky, the Nauti Buoy was filled to its limit. She sat across from me, beside Austin, while Everett tossed a lazy arm around my shoulder, watching the waves roll past.

"You know, Everett," Sky said, a wide grin splitting across her freckled face. "The Nauti Buoy fits six people."

Everett turned to her and quirked a confused brow. "I know."

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