Chapter 1 || Coffee jelly (and world domination)

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I walked down the street, heading straight to the convenience store. It's a good excuse to go for a walk, so I go there often. Not like I have anything better to do, right? I'm planning on getting some coffee jelly - my favourite dessert. Honestly, I'm a sucker for candy and anything sweet, so I get it whenever I can. 

I walk into the store and the cashier nods at me - they all know me around here, I suppose. I am a regular after all. I nod back in polite acknowledgement and head straight to the fridges where the coffee jelly is located and-

-Oh fucking shit. Saiki-kun's here.

I think he noticed me. He's not looking over here, though. Good.

Just get your goddamn coffee jelly and go it's not that hard just go over there and take one cup of coffee jelly, go to the till and pay and you can fuck off and not have to talk to Saiki-kun. My legs seem to refuse to move for a solid ten seconds though, as I simply stare at Saiki-kun. He glances over in my direction. Guess he noticed. Well fuck me sideways. 

Listen, I don't have a crush on Saiki-kun. I just think he's pretty and my heart races every time he looks in my general direction. That's not a crush. It's... it's... that's not a crush. You have a crush on Saiki-kun, not me! And don't say I'm in denial because there's a high chance that you're right and I don't like that!

He's still looking at me. I'm looking at him back. We're staring into each other's eyes. What do I do? He probably thinks I'm a complete maniac right now. He probably hates me right now. 

Oh, wait.

I was in such a panicked state that I completely forgot that I have telepathy. 

'Is L/N staring at me? Or something else? I can't tell. His thoughts aren't telling me anything.'

Okay. Doesn't hate me. My life hasn't ended yet. 

My legs finally decide to start working again and I walk towards the coffee jelly, picking up a cheap multipack. I take one last glance at Saiki-kun and I notice that he's got coffee jelly, too - the same brand and multipack as me. Except he has seven of them. Seven packs of ten coffee jelly. That's seventy coffee jellies.

Please do not tell me he's planning to eat all of those by himself or I will literally scream right here and now.

I push that terrifying thought aside (terrifying in the sense of how much sugar and caffeine would be in seventy coffee jellies) and I walk to the counter. Saiki-kun's behind me and I feel my body get slightly tense as I make a conscious effort to not screw this up.

And I didn't! I successfully bought a pack of coffee jelly and didn't mess it up while my totally-not-crush-and-all-powerful-psychic-classmate was watching the entire time! Hooray for me!

When I get home I run straight up to my room and flop onto my bed, plugging in my headphones and playing the first playlist that my finger happened to land on. I sat up for a second to put the coffee jellies in the mini fridge beside my bed. Usually I just keep energy drinks, leftovers and snacks in there. It's convenient since I don't really like going downstairs, since my parents are usually down there 

I lay on my bed for a few hours before finally getting up and putting my PS2 on and booting up the Urbz. Is that game popular or amazing by any means? Not really, but it is fun. I play for a few hours and make a bit of progress, unlocking two new locations and getting a new apartment in game before I decide that it's time to switch it off. 

I draw for a few hours, some random sketches of faces and hands. Like I said before, I'm no artist, but it's a nice passtime to just sit and doodle mindlessly. Hell, I might even start getting good at it.

Ha! Like I'd ever get good at anything without using these powers of mine. 

My thoughts shift once again to world domination. Has it ever crossed your mind? To rule over the entire globe? Cause destruction and revamp society as we know it? Sounds fun, right?

When I say ruling over the world, I dont mean in a dictatorship or a dystopia. This isn't 1984 (Although, that's a good book). Of course, the people will be free, and famine and poverty and hatred of any kind will be a thing of the past. Capitalism will be nonexistant, and the people would be free to be who they are, regardless of their differences. But I would still rule over and watch over everyone. 

And more importantly I could cause chaos. 

So, I'm sure you're wondering right now, "Hey, Y/N, why the hell haven't you done this by now it's a great idea!" and first of all, thanks for the compliment, I know I'm amazing. And second of all, the reason why I havent caused the revolution yet is well...

Procrastination. That's literally it.

Seriously, do you know how much work that would be? To completely revamp society? When I tell you I cannot be bothered to deal with that right now I'm telling you I' being completely serious. I'll do it later. As long as we're stuck with Saiki-kun resetting the world each year, I have all the time I need to gain motivation to take over the world!

But, if I perhaps had Saiki-kun's help, with his abilities paired with mine, we'll be invincible! Perhaps even a God! That's only a dream, though. Saiki-kun probably wouldn't be interested in my plans, despite how amazing they are. 

Well, that rant was longer than I thought it would be. 

For now, though, I'll stick with posing as being an average student. It's good to keep this facade up right up until my plan has almost been entirely carried out so I can avoid suspicion! 

A/N: THANK U SO MUCH 4 UR SUPPORT ON THE LAST CHAPTER!!! ILY <333 sorry it took me a while to upload, as i said i have exams coming up but i'll try 2 update more frequently since yall seem to like this. anyway bye

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