Chapter 3 || Sleepovers (and a small confession)

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Saiki's parents were... certainly something. I walked home with him from school to an unassuming looking home. Not sure what I expected with that, but it was somehow more boring than I expected. His parents enthusiastically greeted me at the door, waving their hands and smiling about how their 'dear boy Ku has another friend!'. Admittedly, I was a bit overwhelmed.

"Oh, come in, come in! Are you two sticking around, or are you going somewhere?" His mother gestured to inside the house, still smiling.
"Um, no, I don't think we have plans, do we?" I said, looking towards Saiki.
"Ah, well I'll let you two go well- do whatever you're up to! We'll be down here if you need anything!" She smiled and closed the door once the both of us were inside.

Saiki showed me up to his room. It was spotless (as the house itself was), with a few old game consoles laying around with shitty dollar store games stacked near them, bookshelves filled with obscure novels and comics that the majority of the population would never have heard of in their lives, and a bin filled with empty coffee jelly packets. "Nice room" I mumbled, but it seemed like he heard it, "Your parents are nice, too" better than mine, I did not add.

"What do you want to do?" He asked, and I looked through one of the stacks of games he owned. A shitty Famicom racing game caught my eye, and I held it up to him.
"Could we play this for a bit? Seems terrible"
"Oh, it is. I don't know how they messed up a racing game of all things that badly" Saiki grimaced at the memory of playing it, and walked over to plug the console in. He took the game out of my hands and placed it into the machine.
"I'm sure I have another controller around here somewhere" He sighed, digging through a box of wires, "Oh, here! I don't usually play with others unless my dad wants to play with me. But he's terrible at video games so he doesn't play them that much either" Saiki seemed to hold back a smile, thinking about how his dad is loving, but also rather, well, incompetent.

"I don't play games a lot, don't have chance to" I admitted, "but it's neat you've got all the old stuff, too. I don't know anyone who isn't a grandpa that has a Famicom laying around"
"Thanks for that. Nah, my dad gave it to me after he found it in the attic when I was younger"

It was, admittedly, pretty odd hearing Saiki talk this much. Most of the time he was in his own mind and would take a backseat in any conversation. Sure, I may know this stuff anyway from my telepathy but it was nice hearing him talk so freely.

The console booted up and we were both greeted by the most atrocious excuse for a title screen I have ever seen in my life. Bright mismatched colours that all blended into one, the title written in a font that was almost unreadable and the art looked like it was drawn by someone who's never seen a car, only having one described to them by a guy who also doesn't know anything about them. It was awful. It was the best worst thing to grace my tired eyes. A graphic design monstrosity like this would never be used for world domination, I took pride in the knowledge that I could do better.

The game itself was equally awful, some of the worst sprites in a game that made literally anything else look like a technical marvel. It barely functioned, buttons wouldn't do anything until a solid five seconds later, there was only one track and it was a winding road with next to no consideration for the dreadful controls. All accompanied by the worst, most ear grating music you have ever heard on your life.

"I forgot just how terrible this is" Saiki said in amusement upon the third time we loaded up the track.
"Is it even legal to make a game this bad?" I laughed, still in awe of it.
"Unfortunately, yes"

We played it a couple more times, until the awestruck so-bad-its-good quality of the game began to wore off. Then, we took turns in picking awful games from the pile. A licensed game that didn't actually have the license to what it was based off, an RPG that didn't let you skip the text that ever so slowly rolled onto the screen (the loading times were just as long), a fighting game with no block button that just never seemed to end. Oh, how I underestimated the world of. and video games.

It was fun, though. Saiki told me where he got all the games from and his first impressions, I listened maybe a little too intently. I'll admit, he's a nice guy, even if to most he would a little distant at first. I kinda do like him, but definitely not- okay, fine, who am I kidding?

Regardless, though, it was time to eat dinner. Saiki's parents quizzes us on where we met, what classes we were in together, what we did today, what my interests were and all that stuff that I assume parents want to know. Really, they were lovely people, but they had far too many questions for my liking.

"Oh it's just so exciting when our Kusuo has a new friend!" His dad, who introduced himself as Kuniharu, exclaimed. "So, you're staying tonight, right?"
"Yeah, if that's not an issue with you"
"Of course not! We don't have a futon or any spare beds, but hey, we've got plenty of blankets!" His mom, Kurumi, said. "Kuniharu can dig some out for you after dinner!" She added, side eying her husband.
"Yeah- Oh, wait, what? I'm not-" Kuniharu began to stutter as his wife glared at him, "Yes! I will um, do that now!"

"You're doing that while we're eating?" Saiki raised an eyebrow at his father and I held back a laugh.
"Oh! Wait, yeah, yeah we're eating. I'll uh, do it afterwards" Kuniharu quickly sat back down with an awkward laugh. He coughed and attempted to change the subject, "So! L/N, how's your family?"
"Uh. Good" I responded, hoping they wouldn't need any more information than that.

My folks aren't nearly as unconditionally accepting as Saiki's seem to be. No, not in like, a homophobic way or anything, moreso that they don't like the concept of a psychic kid running around the house. They're too afraid that I'd hurt them or something. Hey, I may be plotting for world domination but I'm not that cruel. I'd never stoop to that level.

They don't talk to me much, we'll go for days without saying a word to each other despite living in the same house. I eat separately to them and I quickly began noticing that they become way more tense and shiver whenever I'm in the room. Sure, it may suck but it's how it's always been for me. I guess that's just what comes with having psychic powers from such a young age. Or maybe not. Saiki's parents don't seem afraid of him in the slightest.

Families are weird sometimes, I guess.

"Do you have any siblings? Pets?" Kurumi excitedly leaned over the table slightly, raising her voice as she spoke.
"No to both" I shrugged.
"Y'know, Kusuo has a brother. He lives in England, studies at Cambridge" Kuniharu smiled at the thought of his other son, "We haven't spoken to him in a while, we should call him up!"
"Yeah, he's a total genius!" Kurumi added

I could tell by Saiki's thoughts that he wasn't exactly the most fond of his brother. Seems like some kinda rivalry. Man, what a family. Freaky genius kid and a psychic? These parents are either super lucky or super unlucky.

We all kept talking throughout dinner, they chattered away about family trips and times Saiki's friends had come to their house. Thankfully, the topic of my family wasn't brought up again. I spoke about my interests and school and, again, Saiki's friends. It was... nice. Like a real family.

"Oh, can you get those blankets out, dear?" Kurumi asked as she collected up the plates after dinner.
"Sure. Unless you and Kusuo want to sleep in the same bed" Kuniharu laughed, I could see the blush forming on Saiki's cheeks, even though he tried to hide it by turning around.
"Don't say that" He muttered.
"Besides, I thought you were going out with the Teruhashi girl?" Kurumi filled the sink with water.
"No. I don't like her that way" Saiki said after a moment, to which both parents raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment further.

Soon after, we went to Saiki's room. I slept on the floor besides his bed, as I laid out the blankets and pillows into a comfortable position. Soon after, we both got into our beds and Saiki turned the bedroom light off.

"Can I ask you something?" I heard him say after holding in a breath, "Don't make it weird And I'm not trying to be weird either" I could hear Saiki's thoughts, rushing through variations of 'Does he like me back?' and similar sentiments. All flowing through his brain in a panic.

I took a deep breath. Well, here goes nothing.

"Oh, you don't need to worry, I like you too" I smirked.

Even though it was dark, I could feel his eyes stare into me.

A/N: YALL ARENT GETTING RID OF ME YET it may have been almost two years but i am back and ready to write more writing atrocities.

also! just for those who are unaware, the famicom was the japanese version of the nes, i can totally see saiki playing obscure shitty bargain games that released like 30 years ago. the games that were described don't exist, sadly. or maybe that's a good thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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