Chapter 2 || Feelings (and how to deny them)

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We were placed in pairs for a project in history. Nendou was paired up with Kaidou, Teruhashi was pared with Yumehara and - surprise, surprise - I was paired up with Saiki-kun. Thanks, teach. As for the project itself, its supposed to take a few weeks and we're supposed to do, like, a shit ton of research on the Normans. Personally, I don't see why we have to learn about European history when we live in Asia but whatever. I'm not the one that decides on the curriculum and I'm not paid to do it, either. 

I sit next to Saiki-kun and we sit in awkward silence for a few seconds, neither of us really knowing what to say to each other. I eventually cleared my throat and say, "So um, where do we start? Battle of Hastings?"
"No," Saiki replies; he's obviously using telepathy but I don't comment on it - this isn't the place to - so I let him continue, "We should start just before. Show who had a claim to the throne and how strong those claims are"
"Right, so how should we present it? Poster?"
"Yeah. A3 would be ideal"

I'll be honest, I couldn't actually care less about 1066 or whatever we're supposed to do. It's just nice that I finally have a good reason to talk to Saiki and hang out with him. Not that I want to be friends with him, or that I have a crush on him, it's just that he'd be a useful asset to my plans of world domination, that's all. 

And like I said, I'm totally not denying my feelings either.

We get on with our research quietly, only talking briefly to discuss where we're up to and what we're doing. Honestly, I just pay attention to what Saiki's doing instead. When you look really closely, you can almost see the lining on his transparent gloves. He has a small birthmark on his inner right wrist. He doesn't have any blemishes or acne on his face. His eyes are a dark violet colour. He has a sharp jawline and pink lips.

Am I getting carried away?

I think so. 

It's times like these were I absolutely have to thank myself and my own powerful abilities as Saiki-kun has no way of knowing that I just analysed him.

"Hey Saiki-kun," I began. This was risky, but worth a shot, "Do you want to get lunch with me?" I asked him. I couldn't help but notice his slight blush and slightly panicked thoughts as he began to form an answer.
"Yeah, sure" He said, returning to his usual composed self
"Great!" I say, a little too full of joy. 

So, we sat together at lunch. Eventually, his friends came over - Kaidou and Nendou - and I noticed how Saiki-kun would always think to himself 'Good grief' before they came over. He thought that phrase a lot, I noticed. His friends excitedly introduced themselves to me, Kaidou going first, saying, "I'm Kaidou Shun, the Jet Black Wings and defender of the multiverse! Nice to meet you!" He yelled, with a stupid grin on his face. His shirt collar was ripped, but he obviously did it himself for, oh, well I don't know, the aesthetic? Is that what the kids do nowadays?
I simply respond with a, "That's great and - likewise. I'm L/N Y/N" since what else am I supposed to say to a guy claiming to be the defender of the multiverse? 

Clearly, he doesn't actually have psychic powers  - or any powers, for that matter, but if he did, that could've made him my greatest enemy. He's lucky he's just stupid. Cute, but stupid.

Nendou introduced himself next. "Eh, ignore that runt. Hey, are you buddy's friend? That's so cool! Wanna go out for ramen?" he says, while slurping down ramen. I say he 'introduced' himself but he didn't even say his name. I'm tempted to decline the offer but, hey, free food is still free food, right?
"Um, sure. I'd be happy to get ramen with you, dude". Nendou grins as I say this and starts yelling something about how he has a 'new buddy'. I'll be real with you, I tuned the noise out after around thirty seconds. Too loud. 

At the ramen shop, Nendou was eating like a pig (surprise surprise), Kaidou wasn't too far behind and Saiki and I actually ate like normal human beings (despite being the ones with superpowers).

"Hey, why don't we go to your new buddy's house?" Nendo asked, while slurping down some ramen.
Everyone looked over at me. I laughed awkwardly after a small pause, after all that question was kind of out of the blue and I'm not entirely sure that they'd - well, moreso Saiki-kun - would exactly like my parents. I don't think my parents would like them either. I mean,  they don't even like me. But that's besides the point. 

"Nah, my folks are kinda... Well, you see - You-" I stumbled on my words, trying to find a decent excuse.
"You can come over to mine, if your parents don't want us to come over" Saiki-kun suggested. 
"I-well, sure?" I didn't exactly know how to answer. I think I felt my face become hotter than an oven but I just hope that they didn't notice. It's not like it means anything, 


Soon after, we arrived at Saiki-kun's house. 

Saiki-kuns parents are nice enough, if a bit on the eccentric side. Nicer than my parents will ever be, for sure. And Saiki-kun's house was so... bland. Though, I don't really know what I was expecting, after all, he is trying to be a normal person, or whatever.

Nendo and Kaidou stay for a while, and we talk about stupid stuff. Games, movies, TV, whatever. But soon enough they have to leave, as it was soon becoming too late to walk the streets alone. Muggers and what-have-you. Sure, they're around during the day, too, but they're a lot more active at night.

So it's just me and Saiki-kun. I feel awkward being alone with him (and, for the record, I have no interest whatsoever in Saiki-kun) but he offered me to stay over at his for the night. I said "Sure, why not?" without a second thought. 

Might've been a bad idea that I regretted approximately two seconds later but I felt awkward and mean trying to make up an excuse to leave, so, I'll just have to deal with it. Especially with how adorably happy he got after I agreed.

A/N: i should be studying for exams but idc
ALSO 300 READS WHAT. WHY HAVE SO MANY PPL CLICKED ON THIS STORY I LOVE U ALL *gives u a platonic and friendly kiss*

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