I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Knox, huh? A little odd name but I was attracted to it. Maybe that was just cause he was my mate. Aaand he was the hottest thing that had ever walked this Earth.

I didn't know what to make of this mate thing. I didn't even want a mate, I was only 16!

Alpha Peters voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Knox and his parents are the only family I have left. I am sure you've all met his father, Gabriel Laurence, my brother. Gabriel and I were torn apart when we were 10 and we finally found each other two years ago. Gabriel is not an Alpha where he lives but nonetheless has the same alpha blood as I do which means Knox does too. He is our best option. Knox would you like to say anything?"

 I was excited to hear his voice, and hear how he spoke. Even though I was 100% sure he hadn't seen me yet, so he didn't know I was his mate.

"Hello. My name is Knox Laurence. I just want to do a introduction really quick. I am 18 years old and I'm very excited to meet each of you individually and get to know you further." He shot the crowd a wink and smiled. I looked around the room and saw all the girls basically going crazy in their seats.

Pshh of course. He was a player, I should have known I'd get caught with the asshole for a mate.

Don't call him that! You don't know anything, maybe he was just being friendly! I thought with a high level of ignorance.

Everyone started to disperse as soon and the Alpha and Alpha-to-be stepped down from their podium. I headed for the balcony.

What I really wanted to do was go find our mate and show him his mate.

But instead I just looked back into the ballroom where everyone was lined up to meet my mate.

Once I found him, I burned with jealousy and anger. He was talking to Amber who is the complete opposite of modest.

She was feeling his bicep and he was enjoying it, I could tell. My heart felt like it was being taken apart bit by bit.

How could he do this to me! Did he not smell my scent like I did his!? I reluctantly made myself stop staring and walked onto the balcony where I found Landon.

"Hey Landon." I said while going to stand next to him leaning on the stone railing.

"Hey Haze, I can't believe our next Alpha is an 18 year old, we are so screwed." He said laughing.

How dare he doubt my mate! Although I was slightly angry of the remark, I thought the same deep inside.

 "I know and to make it worse, he's a player. I bet the only thing he'll be paying attention to is how much girls he can bed." I said trying to fake a laugh. Just the thought of it made me angry.

Landon laughed at that. "I think so too" he wrapped his arm around me and we looked at the view.

Landon and I had a very affectionate relationship and usually I would enjoy the times we spent just holding each other, but now it felt wrong.

I knew it was cause I found my mate, but I didn't want to tell Landon that I found him. I wanted to talk to Knox first. I pulled away and told Landon that I just wanted to go walk around the garden. Alone. Landon knew that I liked to do this sometimes so he didn't pry.

The garden was professionally designed by one of our own wolves. It is in the back of the house and it was one of those mazes with the tall shrubs. In the middle of it all was where the flowers were and the fountain.

That's where I liked to go. As I was going down the steps to the first floor I wanted to get one last peek of Knox but he was nowhere to be seen. Hopefully I'd find him before the night was up.

Once I got to the maze entrance I heard whispers and giggles. The smell of pine and cinnamon in the air once again. I followed the sound and smell and that's when I saw them.

Knox and Courtney making out like tomorrow was the end of the world. Officially my heart was shattered.

Not only that but what do you do in a situation like this? So I turned and started to sneak away but of course luck was not on my side. The cracking of a stick came from beneath my foot.

I stood there for a while till I finally gained the courage to look behind me to see if they heard. Yup they did. Both staring at me, that's when I looked at Knox.

We made eye contact in the darkness and immediately my insides filled with warmth and excitement.

He looked at me with wonder and realization. But quickly his expression changed to anger. My expression, i'm sure, twisted with confusion. Why did he look so mad?

He pushed Courtney off him, got up, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the outside of the maze. I couldn't focus on anything, our skin touching was the most pleasurable experience i'd ever had. Tingles shot up my arm, started from where he was holding me.

Maybe it could work out for us! Maybe he'd change. We could be happy.

Knox pulled me to the other side of the bushes without speaking a word to me. Why was he being so hostile towards me?

"I don't want you." Knox said looking stern, after finally looking at my face.

I stood there shocked. At complete loss of words.

"W-W-Why?" I managed to slip out.

"Who would want you? I could have any girl I wanted, in fact I do have any girl I want. Now why would I want you? I reject you as my mate." He said harshly. His eyes burning with a internal fire.

I looked him deep in his dark blue eyes, searching for a hint of something.

Nothing. He was serious. He was actually rejecting me. What a asshole.

I broke from his grip and ran. I wouldn't be in his presence anymore.

I morphed into my pitch black wolf and ran as fast as I could toward the forest. My goal was to get out of the boundary line.

I was leaving the Light Moon pack. There was nothing for me here, my parents divorcing, being a nerd at school, and being rejected from an Alpha was just icing on the cake.

A  Alpha's main goal was to find their mate and have pups, so its just about the biggest kick in the ass if you get rejected by one.

When I reached the boundary line I stopped. Once I pass the line there was no coming back, I'd be officially a rouge.

I just needed to think for a second. Maybe Knox and I could talk this through, maybe. But with a sudden burst of anger, I built up the courage to continue.

"No time for thinking." I said to myself as I crossed the line.

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