I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 12

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Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say that I'll Show That Alpha has 450 reads! I know it is not a lot compared to other books, but it is a lot to me! Thank you!

Chapter 12

Entering the pack house, the overwhelming scent of pot roast hit me like a ton a bricks.

"You smell that?" I asked with an arched eyebrow

"I sure do, is Jane making something tonight for dinner?"

"I don't know but lets find out." I grabbed her arm and pulled her with me toward the kitchen. As we grew closer the scent got even stronger which resulted in my mouth watering much more then it was before.

We walked through the entry way of the kitchen and Jane and Elza were sitting on the bar stools reading magazines. I couldn't help but laugh, this got their attention as they looked at me like I was crazy.

"It is just so you guys to be reading fashion magazines!" I jokingly yelled going and sitting on the third stool next to Elza

"Oh shut up!" She looked at me with humorous anger,"We like fashion ok?" We laughed together at her attempt at faking angry.

"Anyway, Bella and I smelled that amazing scent as soon as we walked through the door. Are you making something tonight Jane?" I curiously said looking at Jane

"I am in fact,pot roast, but you can't have any!"

"AWWW why Janey!" I looked at the middle aged woman with sorrow in my eyes

"You just can't!" She stood her ground

I had to pull out the big guns. I got on the ground on my knees in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"Jane, dearest Jane, I am begging you for some out your delectable food that you have prepared."

Just as I finished my sentence I heard a throat clear behind me and I turned my head recognizing the sound.

Archer stood in dark wash torn jeans and a tight black t-shirt that complimented his arms and abs very nicely. Meeow!

"What the hell are you doing on the ground Hazel." His eyes glinting with amusement

"You'll never believe this Archer you just wont. Jane won't let me have her food for dinner tonight! Isn't that horrible!" I whined while trying to put on the best pouty face that I could.

But to my surprise, he just shook his head no. "I told her not too." He stated

"Why would you do that to me!" I yelled

He walked over to me and offered his hand to help me up, but I just crossed my arms and looked the opposite direction of his face. Next thing I knew I was thrown over his shoulder as he started walking out the door.

"This isn't over Jane!!" I yelled at Jane while pointing at her. In reply I heard her laugh and felt Archer chuckle under my belly.

He finally put me down once we reached his room. He set me down on his bed and closed his door.

He finally spoke,"Did you forget that we had plans tonight Ms. Hazel?" He asked while laying down on his bed next to me.

"No! Of course not! Why would you think that?" I questioned the question

"Just that when people usually have plans for a one year anniversary, it involves dinner." He stated as I grabbed hold of his arm.

"Well how was I suppose to know we were having dinner hmm? You haven't told me anything about tonight." I mumbled softly while climbing on top of him and straddling his waist.

"Now you know, do you want a hint" He seriously asked

I was beyond shocked at his offer because he hadn't budged on even tell me what time we were leaving.

"Hell yeah I want a hint!" I excitedly said

"Ok, come close," I leaned my head down so my ear was close to his mouth,"It involves dinner."

He burst out laughing at my obviously disappointed expression.

"That's not fair! I already knew that!" I whined. He gave a shrug of his shoulders and laughed lightly.

Fine, if he wanted to play games. I would play games. I intended to crawl off of him and ignore him for some time but it didn't work out at planned. When I quickly crawled off of him and headed toward the door, his firm arms wrapped themselves around my waist as he pulled me back to the bed and pushed me down while crawling on top of me.

"Don't try to escape me baby." A mysterious glint in his eyes. I just giggled and tried to push him off until eventually I gave up and thought of a different way of getting away.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly pulled his soft lips closer to mine. I grazed my lips over his, teasing him a little, then heard him groan in frustration as he pushed his lips onto mine catching my lips into a sweet and gently kiss.

I licked his bottom lip pleading for entrance. He opened his mouth and our tongues fought for dominance of the other, both too stubborn to submit to the other. The kiss grew more and more passionate. I felt his hand on my stomach as he slid it to his usual spot, my hip. He drew designs on my skin making my skin tingle where ever he traced.  I guess escaping escaped my mind after that.

  I pulled off his shirt and drew my hands up from his abs to his shoulder blades. This movement always made him shiver which gave me pleasure in knowing I had that affect on him. I then flipped us over so that he was underneath me and I straddling him.

I arched my back so that I could press harder on his lips to deepen the kiss. We both liked to kiss rough. I didn't know what came over me but I felt like I wanted more, so I started to grind into him. "Hazel," he moaned in pleasure. I felt myself getting more and more aroused by the second and already knew of his arousal.

Archer then pulled his lips away and kissed down my jaw and traveled down my neck. I arched my neck giving him a bigger canvas to work on. My breathes coming out frantic as I panted from loss of breathe. It then hit me that I was ready. I wanted to go further with Archer. We had been together a year and it was time.

I took a big gulp of air before speaking,"Archer?" my voice coming out raspy and non-existent. I tried to calm myself before trying again which proved difficult since he was sucking on my soft spot just below my ear. "Archer?" I finally was able to speak. "Hmm?" He replied slowly moving higher up my neck until he came to the corner of my mouth. "I..I..I'm.." A knock on the door caused me to stop talking as I felt Archer pull away from my mouth as I stared into his dark eyes gazing at me with lust toward me and annoyance most definitely toward the interruption

It seemed like Archer was curious as to what I was going to say so he just stood there for a second waiting for me to go on but I wasn't going to tell him in that moment. It just wasn't right anymore. "Stop staring at me you fool and get the door!" I said barely above a whisper with a smile on my face. He just rolled his eyes obviously wanting to show how annoyed he was with the person. He slid on his shirt and opened the door. There stood Porter with a look of urgency in his expression until he looked at Archer and I, big red puffy lips and all. Then his gaze moved to the bed sheets were with no doubt extremely messy and that look of urgency soon turned into embarrassment as his face grew a beet red color.

"What do you need Porter?" Archer asked not at all trying to hide his irritation in his voice

"I umm, well," He looked down to the ground with his hand itching the back of his neck,"Oh yeah, Archer" his voice grew low enough that I couldn't hear but I could see Archer nodding and then shortly after, thanked Porter before closing the door.

"What was that all about?" I questioned

"You are about to see, here are your instructions. Go to your room, get ready, formal ok?" He stated with excitement beaming in his eyes.

"Ok Ok, how long do I have?" I asked before walking out the door.

"I can't tell you that! Just be ready." I rolled my eyes at how stubborn he was and closed his door. And headed straight across the hall to my own room.

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