Chapter 5

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The hallways echoed with the nearly silent sound of my footsteps. My hands were shaking and I was nearly trembling with both excitement, anticipation, and fear.

One more week until takeoff.

And today, in around one minute, I was going to meet my crew for the first time.

My hands fidgeted with my hair constantly. My adrenaline was pumping, which was good because I hadn't slept last night. My escort and I finally reached a tall, metal door. The escort opened and I took in a breath and stepped inside.

Nobody was there.

I turned to ask my escort where everyone was, but the door had already shut behind me. The room was small and rectangular. I sat down in a chair provided and watched the screen in front of me turn on.

"Good morning." A computerized voice said. I said nothing. My first training exercise, I had stupidly replied and I heard the laugh of my crewmates from the screen. We had been working together for a while now, but it was all serious. All life-and death situations we had to fix. We nearly never joked around, and we didn't even know each other's names. We were addressed as Crew 1, Pilot, General, Electrician, etc. 

"You will be meeting your crewmates shortly. After today, you will continue to sleep in your separate rooms, but there will be a "common area" for you to eat and socialize. Thank you for your patience. You will now be meeting your cremates in 5.."

My hands trebled even more.


What if they don't like me? I'm spending the rest of my life with them.


Is my hair straight? Do I look okay?


Oh god oh god oh godddddd.


The door opened with a hiss and I stepped into a room with a wide, metal table in the center. I took my chair just as other people began opening their doors and entering. They sat down, glancing nervously at one another. There were 5 boys and 4 girls, not including me. There was a long, awkward silence.

"Guess someone has to break the ice, huh?" On of the boys spoke up. He had a slightly crooked nose and wavy brown hair that looked red, just like the spacesuit he was wearing. "Hi, I'm Aron, and I'm gay."

I let out a small giggle.

"Oh, thank god." someone else said. He was tall and had wavy blonde hair that matched his suit, and grey eyes.  "I'm gay too."

"And they were crewmates." I muttered.

"Oh my god they were crewmates." Two of the girls said. We all burst into laughter.

"Me next." One of the boys said, still smiling. He was dressed in a bright blue. His har was spiky and black, and his eyes where amber. "Hi, I'm Cain, and I'm straight."

"Let me get this straight," Aron said, suppressing a laugh.  I snorted. "Your name is Cain."

"Yeah." Cain said.

"and your color is..... Cyan?" The room burst into uncontrollable giggles. We finally calmed down and began telling our names in a circle.

"My names Ari," The girl in brown said. She had curvy brown hair and blue eyes.

"My name's Kate." The girl in green said. She had nearly yellow eyes sand black hair.

"My name's Sam." The girl in pink said. She had the shortest hair out of all the girls, and it was curled in an adorable way. Her brown eyes shined with excitement.

"My name's Jacob." Said the guy in white. "Ya'll can call me Jacks."

My eyes caught on him for a second. He had blonde, almost white hair with black streaks. He had sharp features and the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 

"Well, My name is Barrack." Said the guy in black, which matched his hair perfectly. He seemed sulky, almost mean. He had not laughed at any of our jokes, and after that he said nothing. 

"My name's Emily." I said. I was dressed in dark blue, which nearly matched Cain's suit. "Ya'll can call me Em for short."

"Nice to meet you, Emily," All of the boys chorused at once. 

"Jynx!" Arron yelled in a high pitched voice. The due in yellow, Dean, slapped him. Aron dogged, and Dean raised his arm again. Aron screamed like a girl, and we all fell into fits of laughter.

As I sat there, laughing so hard my chest hurt and smiling so wide my face hurt, I felt at home.

Maybe my crew isn't so bad after all. 

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