Chapter 15

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"We should go." Jacks said, pulling away reluctantly.

I nodded as he slipped his shirt back on. We had been in electrical for hours now, and it was about to be lunch time. 

We walked down the hallway, a bit quietly. Right before reaching the lunch room, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. We both inhaled and turned the corner into the cafeteria. 

Aron, Dean, and Cain were already there. They were quiet amongst each other. Cain looked up from the silent dinner table and spotted us. His eyes narrowed.

The usually white, cold lights turned into a violet red. A soft alarm blared in every single helmet, alerting us that the O2 levels were off. We ran to the O2 place, frantic. 

Cain was in front of the keypad, fingers shaking. The keypad turned red. Aron yelled something, Illegible and glitching the soft alarm in our radios. He shoved Cain aside and typed something into the keypad. The alars stopped as the keypad flashed OK. 

Aron inhaled angrily and pointed at a small, yellow sticky note beside the keypad.

"You idiot." He snarled. "The code's right there."

"I-I'm sorry. It's just-" Cain grabbed his own shaking hands.

"It's okay." I said. Cain looked at me.

There was something in his eyes. A rage, a fire. 

Suddenly, the room went black, making me lose sight of Cain. 

"What was that?" Dean screamed into the radio. His panicked voice rang in my head. 

"Will you calm down?" I asked. "Turn on night vision."

I turned it on and looked around. Only a small percentage of the room was visible. I managed to see a glimpse of Jacks and Cain, standing next to each other. 

I brushed past them and made my way to electrical. I fliped some switches, which went from a dark green to a bright lime. I breathed a sigh of relief as the lights flickered back on. I walked back to cafeteria, where Jacks and Cain were waiting. Aron and Dean followed me soon after.

"What tasks did everyone have?" Aron said, slaming his palms on the table.

"Aron-" Dean grabed his shoulder,r but Aron shook him off.

"Don't Aron me!" He yelled. "Someone here is trying to kill all of us! First with O2 and then Electric! When we were going to fix the lights, any one of us could have been killed!"

"Aron!" I yelled, standing up. "Calm Down!"

Aron inhaled and sat down. "What. Were. Your. Tasks."

"We had navigation." I said quickly.

Cain suddenly looked at me, frowning. "You have it in your schedule, sure. But I had downloading, and I did not see you in Navigation."

Aron stood up and got all up in my face. I stood up but he pushed me against the wall. "I will ask you one more time. What were your tasks?"

I kicked his knee, knocking him to the ground. His helmet slid off. His face hit the table, and I grabbed him by his hair.

  "Do not address me like that." I snarled. "You will address me as captain. Understand?"

Aron said nothing. I hit his head against the table again. "Understand?"

"Jeezus! Let go of me, captain ." He spit the word out like trash.

I let go of him and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at me,e eyes wide.

Gears turning.

Their eyes shined with surprise. Amusement.

And fear. 

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