Chapter 13

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We found Kate's blood in Ari's clothes.

During laundry, I had noticed the dark red stuff on the inside of one of her gloves. She had flipped them during the murder.

"Ari has Kate's blood on one of her gloves." I said at the meeting table. Everyone looked at her, eyes wide. She began laughing.


But it wasn't a happy laugh. It rang with insanity, uncertainty, fear.

Fear of what we would do now that we knew.

"You did it?" Cain asked. Ari looked at him, confused.

"Why yes, I did. She was the murderer, and I had to. You-"

"Oh my god," Aron intergected. "So what?"

"She just confessed. "Jacks said, eyes on Ari. They were sad but determined. "We can't leave her on the ship. She could kill any of us."

"She wouldn't,"Dean said.

"She would," I interjected. "She killed Kate for no reason. And look at her! She's unhinged!"

"She's right, of course, " Ari laughed. She pulled out a gun, gleaming silver in the bright light. 

"Woah... Ari, calm down." Jacks said, backing up. All of us were standing up now, but we could do nothing. We had no weapons. 

"You guys should have run the second El mentioned the blood." She said, grinning ear to ear. "I'm not letting any of you ruin my reputation. I'll say you guys did it yourselves. Framin's easy."

"Ari." I said, voice shaking. "Put it down. You're scared. Don't-"

The gun cocked. The sound echoed throughout the now silent space ship. We were all holding ur breaths.

Suddenly, A chair was flying. Ari instinctively turned to it, shooting once. The bullet grazed Jack's spacesuit as he lunged at Ari, yelling. The white fabric was interrupted by a dash of red as Jacks knocked Ari to he ground, bleeding from the bullet graze. Ari screamed and kicked away, scrambling up. She cocked the gun again.

"No!" I screamed. I lunged just as her finger tightened around the trigger. My hand pressed the button just as her gun fired. Before the bullet could hit Jacks, a huge white door slid between them. The bulletproof glass bounced the bullet back at Ari, barley missing her shoulder. 

We all sat there motionlessly, catching our breaths. My eyes widened as I saw were Ari stood. 

Ari was in the airlock, gun poised.

"Now what?" I asked. Jacks walked forward and put his hand on a small lever near the door. My eyes went wide. "Woah there, wait a second.  You want to eject her?"

Jacks nodded, sad. "Look at her. The moment we open the door, she'll shoot us."

"We can leave her there." Aron said, voice desperate.  Dean nodded.

"We won't make landing if we do. That door must be opened. The weel button is in there."

"We can sedate her." I said, voice rising.

"No we can't, El. Not without getting shot." He said. "I'm not going to risk any more lives just so we can spare the life of a murderer."

"But-" My voice faded. He was right. But it still felt wrong.

His eyes softened as they met mine. "You saw how brutally she killed Kate, El. She doesn't deserve mercy."

He then turned to everyone else. "I will push the button. Everyone else, if you wish, you can leave."

I left without another word, but not before seeing Ari's eyes widening as she realized where she was, and not before hearing her screaming as she realized what was about to happen.

The door closed behind me as Dean, Cain, and Aron walked behind me. They all went into the dorms, but I stayed behind in case anything happened to Jacks.

I caught tibits of her desperate cries. "No.... I didn't...... He told me...... Please!"

He told me? Had she been tricked?

I shook my head angrily. No. Nobody in the right mind would do such a monstrosity under the influence of someone else. Nobody. She was lying. 

I closed my eyes and tried to muffle the sound, but it was too late.

I heard the humm of mechanics, the hiss of an opening door.

And a scream, cut off in a matter of seconds.

The scream of a dead murderer as she was banished from our ship, from Planet X, and from life itself.

*    *     *  

Sam was found dead the next morning. Poisoned, apparently through her drink, who's glass had been whipped clean of any fingerprints.

At least she wasn't stabbed.

But now, that meant Ari had said the truth. She had killed Kate. But she had been tricked, manipulated into doing it. 

We all looked at each other across the emergency table, staring with shock. Disbelief.

It wasn't over.

There was still a murderer among us. 


Thank you guys so much fr all of the views! I will try to upload twice a week! I have big plans for this novel! ( I even have a sequel already planned!) Thanks for reading, and comment who you think the impostor is!


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