chapter seven

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chapter seven, a confession

THE TWO HAD THANKED Miss Harrison for their visit before leaving for the carriage that was still parked out by the entrance to the boarding school

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THE TWO HAD THANKED Miss Harrison for their visit before leaving for the carriage that was still parked out by the entrance to the boarding school. Sherlock had once again helped her into the carriage before getting in himself.

It was silent for a moment as Sherlock tapped the roof for the footman to head on, then hearing a start as the horse began to move on.

"My mother was the woman we were talking about, she had left, leaving Enola on her own and so trying to run off and find her." He spoke, looking up towards her from where she sat opposite him. "When I went to look for her at a place I knew she'd been, I found bombs and gunpowder." He said, Emilia nodding her head in reply.

"Enola seems like a very talented young woman." Emilia replied with a soft smile, reaching out to rest her gloved hand on his, "I see how much you care for her."

"She can be rather challenging, yes. But a bright girl." He laughed, feeling a squeeze of his hand from her as she laughed and pulled her hand away, leaving Sherlock wishing she hadn't.

"I wonder who is trying to kill my brother then." She said, looking up to him again, "Do you have any clues?"

"It is definitely someone who does not want him in the House of Lords." Sherlock replied, making Emilia make a small 'o' shape as she nodded in realisation.

"Very true." She muttered, not knowing how she had not connected the dots to that. "I cannot get that imagine of a woman threatening you with a tea pot, although." She laughed, raising a hand to her lips as she smiled brightly, Sherlock admiring it.

"Oh, she was quite the scary image." He replied, a laugh escaping his lips also, "If she were to have started swinging it I am afraid I would not be here right now."

"The next time I see someone with a teapot, I shall know the great Sherlock Holmes can not even save me." She mocked, laughing even more now. "I will never look at a teapot the same."

"You tease me so, Mi'lady." He cried out, clutching at his heart dramatically.

"Please Mr Holmes." She laughed, "You are allowed to call me by my first name, or have you so evilly forgotten it while you were being threatened with a tea pot?"

"I could never forget a name as pretty as yours, even with a tea pot threatening me." He grinned, making her laugh and blush momentarily at his comment, hoping he would not see it from the little light that was shining through the windows. "But please, call me Sherlock."

"Oh, how could I have forgotten either, Why would one want to attract sharks?" She laughed, looking over at him as he rolled his eyes and laughed.

"It is just a phrase." He responded, "I don't know where I learnt it to be totally honest." He laughed again, looking down at his hands before looking over at her again. Although he wanted to ask her if she wanted to do something tonight either the opera, a show or even a ball he knew he truly couldn't seeing as she was still on the hunt for her younger brother, so instead he decided he would spend the whole night looking for clues on where her brother could be.

"Why were you at that ball on Friday evening?" He asked, confused as she didn't seem to be one for balls when her brother was missing, seeing as she was so adamant on finding him.

She laughed before responding, "Looking for you." He held an eyebrow up in response, an amused expression on his face. "My friend Jane heard you would be at it and it seemed the perfect time to try and persuade you onto the case."

"Well, we definitely need to have our own dance at another ball then." He laughed, now her face holding the same expression as he had just moments ago.

"Oh really?" She replied, "Well then you'll just have to invite me to some ball, Sherlock Holmes." He laughed in response, nodding his head.

"I intend on doing so."

SHERLOCK HOLMES had finally pluck up the courage, he was going to ask her. There long carriage ride had seemed much lengthy than their earlier journey, which the two were secretly glad of as they got to talk much more.

He had finally asked if she would like to come over to his apartment so they could work on the case together. She nodded her head shyly, replying that she'd love to.

And so, the two entered through the entrance hall and up the stairs towards his apartment on the fifth floor. He was sure it would be clean seeing as he was rather neat at everything he did and hated leaving things out in the open.

"You can sit anywhere you like," He told her, "I'll make something for us to eat." He said, she could hear the opening and closing of cupboards from where she sat in the living room. "I can make a mean club sandwich." He spoke, "A man from Scotland taught me it when I solved the case of his wife gone missing, they have it in all their gentleman society's." He laughed. "Would that be alright or would you like anything different?" He asked, which she quickly replied with,

"No, A club sandwich sounds perfect." She replied, "Would you like any help with it?"

"No of course not, It's fine." He replied, as he finally stopped the clanging of wooden cupboards making Emilia giggle to herself, before picking up a book from the bookshelf and reading through the blurb. It was a murder mystery, To Die of A Broken Heart.

She heard her uncle raving about that story one day at dinner. She never took much interest in it though, she never took much interest of it though as she was already stocked up in her romances of princess' of faraway lands and her secret stash of girl power books which would absolutely revolt her grandmother if she ever saw them.

She set the book down, instead moving into the kitchen and asking Sherlock where the plates, glasses and forks and knives were or she wouldn't eat any of his food. He laughed in response, finally giving in and pointing towards the cupboards, reluctantly letting her set the table.

It wasn't long before the food was finished and the two sat down eating away at their club sandwiches taught by a man in Scotland and laughing their worries away with each other.

It wasn't until late that evening when the two had been going through newspaper, theories and random things did Emilia pull out a newspaper, "Wait a second. If my brother did get to be in the House of Lords like my father, he would vote for the Reform Bill, which my uncle would be hugely against. Could he be the one?"

"I think you're onto something," Sherlock replied, nodding his head as he looked at her before he looked at the newspaper. "When was your father killed?"

"No, it couldn't have been him, he was away the year of my fathers death at the Afghanistan war. See?" She replied, moving the newspaper around to show him the medals across his chest.

"And your grandmother?" He then asked, Emilia not looking up from the newspaper as she read over the text, making a small 'hm?' sound, "What would your grandmother vote for."

"The same as my uncle." She replied looking up to him before stopping in shock. "Oh lord."

well that's cute🙈

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