chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen, false assumptions

EMILIA HAD LEFT THE ESTATE in early light of the next morning, she had packed everything away, gotten a carriage and left for the La Croix

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EMILIA HAD LEFT THE ESTATE in early light of the next morning, she had packed everything away, gotten a carriage and left for the La Croix. She hadn't left the small room for a whole week and had only interacted with Madam Pince who had been the caring motherly figure while her own mother was away. Emilia had a love for Pince before, but now the love she held had grown by a vast amount. She had finally decided she would leave the room today and go out to town for the day.

She had not wanted to leave at first of course, for fear of seeing that horrid man again but of course, she realized she could not hide away all her life. So, with a few things in mind as a shopping list she was off to market, the cold winter air had hit her just as she left through the entrance hall, Madam Pince smiling proudly at her as she went on.

Only Madam Pince knew of the incident at Faucett Estate and Emilia deemed her as the only person that would know of it, marks had been left on her from the event that she had thought would disappear after scrubbing them away for three hours in the bathtub only for them to darken as she clawed at them almost every night for them to disappear, reminders of how weak she had felt.

She avoided all contact with anyone by walking in her own random way, dodging people as if it were her life duty. She finally came to a stop at the market, pulling her hood up and over so no one she would want to see would recognise her.

First she went to the jewellery section, looking across all of the selections before picking a few and getting a small bag of them in it. She travelled around all the market shops before bumping into a figure, apologising quickly before looking up to see Sherlock Holmes.

He had not seen her since the opera, where she was in a rather mood with him, which was odd because of her usual happy demeanour. He told himself he would ask her once he talked to her again, yet she never did write for the two to meet up again, and she had no clue where she would be staying.

"Emilia." He breathed, looking down to her, before snapping out of it and speaking, "Can we talk?" He asked, the girl nodded her head slightly, the two of them moving to a smaller alleyway where there were not many people so the two could hear each other much more clearer. "Why did you not write? Why were you so cold to me at the opera?"

"I didn't realise you were married." She said slightly, looking up to him before looking away to the marketplace.

"Married?" He replied, laughing slightly, "I am not married."

"I saw the newspaper."

"Ah," Sherlock sighed, "My brother got married to Alicia Smith if that is what you were talking about." Emilia made a small 'o' before blushing hugely at the behaviour she had shown him.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were with someone else and I guess I was hurt." She said quickly before stopping herself, "I mean, not that it mattered to me." She exclaimed, her words unsure making him smile.

"If you are worried about mattering to me Emilia Tewksbury, you should be happy to know you are top of that list." He spoke, taking her hands in his. She smiled at his words, grinning up towards him.

"Well, I hope you will be happy to know you share the same spot on mine." She replied, her smile staying painted on her lips that her cheekbones almost started hurting.

One of Sherlock's hands found it's way onto her face, holding it as he leaned in before stopping himself, "May I kiss you, Emilia Tewksbury?" He asked, the girl responding with the movement of her lips meeting his. It was soft and sweet and unsure, nothing like the attack she had been given just a week prior.

If Sherlock were to explain that kiss he shared with Emilia Tewksbury, he would have to say it was like the sun. Bright, happy and innocent like.

The two slowly parted from each other, smiles on both their lips. "Can we do that again some time." Emilia whispered, Sherlock laughing slightly before nodding his head in response.

"I've thought of that kiss ever since we first went to see that ballet." He laughed, his hand still resting on her face, rubbing circular movements with his thumb as they both smiled silently at each others. "Tomorrow night, it's a date. I'll pick you up at wherever you are staying."

"The La Croix." She replied quickly, glad that she was able to say her second home rather than that hell of a house with awful memories planted inside it.

"Why the change in scenery."

"A long story I might tell you some other time."

JANE GLASTONBURY was sitting on her bed as soon as she was walked back by Sherlock. The woman burst into words as she talked to the girl, "You're my best friend, and I can't lose you. It was a mistake but I love him Em, I really love him." She cried, her tears on full display, the other girl sitting down on the bed beside her and rubbing her on the back comfortably.

"Calm down Jane, there is no need to worry." She said softly, smiling slightly at the girl.

"I'm pregnant with his baby." She said, and Emilia's mind raced to Evan which she nearly threw up in her mouth at.

"Please not Evan Jane." She sighed,

"What? Emilia, I'm talking about Dorian." Jane said, a confused look passing her face as she wiped her tears, "I'm having Dorian's baby."

"What about Alexander?" Emilia asked, looking towards her dearest friend.

"He already knew we were together, we had an agreement. Alexander and I have never loved each other you know that." She replied, "So when he brought it up, Dorian and I started seeing each other romantically. Why did you think Evan?"

"I just thought that night, I'm oblivious don't blame me!" She answered with a laugh. "What will you do?"

"I'm not sure although the three of us are all going back to our homes, although Dorian and Evan are no longer speaking as they got into quite the row the other day and Dorian now hates him and won't talk to him so he'll be going back to his while Dorian will come back to Alexander's and I's." She replied, smiling over towards Emilia. "I am sure we will figure it out, as long as you stay with me and become my child's godmother."

"Oh really, Jane?" Emilia exclaimed, her smile bright as she asked, almost jumping up and down with glee,

"Yes of course! Although I do need to get going, come down and say goodbye to Dorian, he's waiting in the carriage!"

She waved off her two friends with Madam Pince, who hugged her side before telling her about the tea she had just made and the two sitting outside on the bench and drinking the liquid as they watched the world go past.

detectiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora