chapter eleven

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chapter eleven, a ballgown before the ball

JANE HAD WALKED INTO Emilia's bedroom so early in the morning, that Emilia thought impossible for someone to be so cheerful at that time

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JANE HAD WALKED INTO Emilia's bedroom so early in the morning, that Emilia thought impossible for someone to be so cheerful at that time. She had walked in with a breeze about her, as if she were a ballet dancer on their pointe shoes and gliding in from side to side gracefully.

She had opened the curtains, which were already letting the sun's ray pour into the room and opened the doors to the large balcony that overlooked the street below. From outside she heard horse's making sounds as they trotted along on their journey and small shouts from children. There was never a quiet day in London.

Jane was now sat on Emilia's bed, hunched over in thought before speaking, "I think I need a new ballgown for tonight." She thought aloud, looking over to Emilia as she spoke who's eyes were opened before but now closed as she listened to her friends soft voice. "I can't find anything for tonight that would match the theme."

"The theme?" Emilia asked, looking over to the girl with a confused look, finally opening her eyes once again to the bright room.

"Yes? It's a masquerade ball." Jane told, making Emilia sit up with a now more confused look. "I must have forgotten to tell you, we've been invited to attend a picnic with a few of the local women , remember that woman you met at my garden party? The pregnant one? Elizabeth? Yes, she invited us to it, said she had ordered far too many for just herself."

"Oh," Emilia replied, leaning back into her comfy bed before being pulled by the hands by Jane up from her bed to now be sitting up in the same position. "Right, well I might aswell get a new dress also." Emilia replied, "It's been a while since I've bought a ballgown." She agreed, finally getting up from the bed and making her way over to the dresser which the maids had unpacked her bag and hung all her dresses and cloaks inside.

The first dress she had pulled out she decided she would wear, as she didn't mind which one seeing as she had brought all her finest dresses in hopes of seeing one detective while on her trip.

The first dress she had pulled out she decided she would wear, as she didn't mind which one seeing as she had brought all her finest dresses in hopes of seeing one detective while on her trip

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( Emilia's dress from the amazing movie 'Belle' which you should allllll watch as it is amazing!!!)

"Can I do your hair?" Jane asked, looking over to the girl from where she stood by the vanity mirror, looking through Emilia's jewellery. "I did Alexander's sisters hair just last week and she looked amazing." Emilia looked over to the girl nodding, before asking her if she could help with tying the corset up. Jane quickly did so, helping Emilia into the dress excitedly before bringing her over to the vanity table and sitting her down in front of the mirror, picking up the brush and running through it quickly.

"I've always loved your hair." She smiled, "It's so thick and curly. Mines is like brown dyed spaghetti." She then laughed, reaching over Emilia to take a pale blush coloured ribbon from one of the drawers.

"It is not." Emilia replied, "I've always wondered how you could wake up with perfect hair." She replied, laughing as she remembered the sight of her waking up just yesterday morning. She felt Jane tie the ribbon in a strand of her hair as she left one part tied back and the rest falling down past her shoulders. "Oh, I love it." She grinned, turning her head to look at the back of her hair with a smile.

"What colour dress do you think I should wear for tonight?" Jane asked at breakfast a while later, it was just the four today for breakfast, feasting on the wide spread the servants had made. "I was thinking a light green or maybe a dark blue." She said, sipping her tea.

"I think a dark blue would look lovely on you." Dorian nodded, "But any colour would to be fair, the two sharing a smiling towards each other, noticed by all of the room, servants and all.

"Yes, I think you should go for dark blue one." Emilia nodded, interrupting the now silence, "I think I might go for yellow."

"Oh yes, Emilia!" Jane nodded enthusiastically, "You have always looked brilliant in yellow."

"I for one, will be excited to see these dresses, it had been all I heard from you Jane at my stay at Glastonbury Hall." Evan spoke up, a laugh escaping his lips as he said so, "Well we do need to be heading off soon if we actually want them to be ready for tonight and for Elizabeth's picnic."

"Oi, what are we supposed to do all day?" Dorian spoke up, his voice teasing as the two girls stood up, finished their breakfast.

"Go off and do whatever men usually do while us ladies are out." Emilia replied, the two girls leaving through the doors and running up the stairs to get ready before leaving.

Evan leaned over to Dorian at the table, a smirk on his face as he muttered, "What, go visit the whore house?" He laughed haughtily as if he had made the funniest joke, Dorian awkwardly laughing back as it was considered rude not to laugh at your host's jokes. Dorian thought Evan a great pal, although rather odd when he came out with sentences prior to the last one.

THE GIRLS WERE NOW sitting with their masks on a large blanket in the middle of a London park, Emilia's a plain white with yellow and white feathers to match her dress, along with golden swirls painted on the inside of the mask and Jane with a dark blue one with black and white feathers coming out of hers. The two had done an extremely good job compared to one younger girl across from them who looked as if she were about to cry as she was already on her second try and it just did not seem to be working for her. Eventually, Emilia got up after finishing hers and sat down beside the girl, asking if she had needed any help and by the end of the hour the young girl, who's name was Victoria was almost bouncing in glee at her new mask and promising to come over and talk when they saw each other at the ball.

She left the girl with a smile, returning to Jane who was now beginning to eat some of the picnic's food happily, Emilia also picking a sandwich up to eat also before joining the conversation with a few other ladies.

When the picnic had ended, her and Jane decided a walk around the park would do them good, holding their parasols up as it was such a nice day out. A voice then called out Emilia's name from behind making the two turn around at the deep voice.

Her brother stood there, "Hello William." She smiled, the two beginning to walk towards them, he was walking alongside Enola Holmes who was smiling slightly at the sight of the girl. "I've missed you brother."

"Me too, why are you here?" He asked quickly, looking over to Jane and smiling also, greeting her sister's long time friend happily, "I thought you were staying at home for a while."

"I think six months is a good enough while for me, I got invited to stay at Jane's friends estate and Dorian is staying with us also." She replied. "How's the mighty house of Lords working out for you well then." She grinned.

"Love it." He replied, a smile on his face.

"I knew you would." She laughed before a large bell went off signalling it was the next hour, Enola quickly speaking up.

"Oh, we need to get going." She said quickly.

"You know where I'm staying call over or else write to me to come over." The boy called out, before running away with his friend Emilia knew he had been pining over.

"Oh to be young and in love." Jane sighed, before the two walked away once again and made their way back to the carriage to get ready for the masquerade ball.

ok definitely sherlock next chapter guys !! 🙈

also doing this instead of online school but still ! 😃😃

also gave tewksbury a random name bc i don't think he actually had a first name in the movie LOL

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