Chapter 4

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After the whole situation, I had decided to take a walk outside. As I was walking, I saw my  brother and sister. Enola was up on the tree while Sherlock sat on the grass. I began to walk in that direction to see what they were talking about. As I got closer, I saw Enola drop a piece of paper. 

I watched as the paper slowly fell from the tree. When I was close enough, I grabbed it and went to look at the paper. Enola and Sherlock looked at me. I chuckled when I saw what Enola drew.

"A caricature. Perhaps its best brother doesn't see this." I said quietly, smiling as I handed it back to Enola.

"Do you intend to stay up there?" Sherlock asked Enola when I had decided to sit down next to him.

"I was hoping for some privacy." Enola murmured her response.

I had felt a wave of guilt wash over me. For some reason, I felt like it was my fault. I glanced at my brother.

"You know, last we remember, you were quite a timid little thing." Sherlock told Enola with a chuckle, while looking at me. 

That reminds me of Dash.

"You had a pine cone wrapped in wool,  and dragged it with you wherever you went." I told her, remembering what it looked like.

"Calling it 'Dash" Sherlock finished my sentence with laughter. 

We continued to tell her about the old times. "Someone told you that Queen Victoria had a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Dash," He said.

"And you decided you wanted the same." I told my sister, looking at her.

Enola started to make her way down from the tree angrily.

"We could never persuade you to put any trousers on." Sherlock and I laughed aloud. But Enola gasps, not believing it.

"Your bottom was always bare." I said, laughing in between words. Enola jumped off  the tree and onto the ground. "Thank you, if you two could now forget them all." 

Enola harshly tells the two siblings just trying to spend time with their little sister.

"A pine cone called Dash?" Enola says, in a questioning tone. "That sounds ridiculous." She continued. 

Sherlock tried to convince her we weren't joking. "Father used to chase you all about the place, shouting, 'Get that damn dog out of my house!" Sherlock said, trying to match our Father's tone.

Enola sighed with sadness hinted in her voice. "Why did you two never visit?" She asked us. I looked and Sherlock before looking back at my sister with a guilty face. "Brother wouldn't like it. Sherlock and Mycroft were always busy anyways." I sighed along with her.

"Then why did you two never write?" She asked again. "Would you have cared for our letters?" Sherlock asked her this time. 

Enola sat down next to me. "I have kept every clipping of every case of yours I could ever find." She told Sherlock. 

"That's flattering." He nodded his head, flattered. "And yet it took our Mother's disappearance to bring you two home." Enola looked away from us. "She meant to go. She's not coming back." She told us quietly, looking at the fields of grass.

You could tell Enola missed Mother dearly. And the truth is, Mom was not coming back. No matter how much we looked. She had the power to decide if she wanted to be found or not. "But the truth is, Mother always had a reason for everything." Sherlock told Enola, as he attempted to cheer her up a little.

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