Chapter 6

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As we finally stopped tumbling down, I had let go of Tewksbury's hand and crawled towards my sister. "Enola, are you okay?" I asked while looking at her messy hair. 

Enola turned around to face me and was about to ask me the same question, but stopped when she heard Tewksbury grunting and breathing heavily. "You do make an awful lot of noise don't you?" She looked at him weirdly. 

Tewksbury looked up at her with his long hair in his face. "Well, it turns out being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you think." He argued with Enola.

Enola chose to ignore him.

Tewksbury just sighed and started to complain once more. "And I've lost a button." 

"Awe your poor button. Must we look around for it in this grassy field?" I slightly pouted with mockery. I don't mean to be rude...

Actually, never mind. Yes. Yes I do. 

We saved his life and what do we get in return? Complaints about a missing button?

Enola got back up and began walking into the grassy fields, as she signaled me to follow her. I stood up and dusted myself off a bit before walking over to Tewksbury and helping him up.

Once he grabbed my hand for me to help him up, we began to follow Enola.

"You do know you've entirely ruined phase three of my plan?" Enola told Tewksbury, not even bothering to look at him. It seemed he didn't quite follow what she was saying. 

"Phase what? Who the hell are you two?" He asked us both, a few feet behind to make it seem more dramatic of course. 

We didn't give him the satisfaction of an answer, instead we just looked at each other, continuing to walk. "Look, I believe our recent brush with death deserves me at least two names." Tewksbury told us with disbelief.

"Enola Holmes." Enola said. 

Without skipping a beat I said right after her, "Y/N Holmes." I turned around to greet him properly. All he did was look at us in disbelief.

Wow. He's looking at us like we've grown two more heads.

He finally replied saying, "Holmes... like Sherlock?"

"Yes, but we are undercover so forget we told you that." I reminded him, gesturing to keep his lips sealed.

"Undercover working for him?"

"Undercover from him." Enola answered.

"Hence why you both are dressed like boys--"

"Hence why you are to say nothing."

"So?" Enola said, stopping to look at Tewksbury. "What?" He shot back at her.

Enola pointed at where we had just came from and harshly told him, "Thank you? You're supposed to say thank you." 

"For what?" Tewksbury asked her, obviously confused. "Bloody hell." I said rolling my eyes and facepalming. Enola and I just looked at each other in exasperation and began to walk forward again.  


"We should probably sleep soon." I told them with visible exhaustion. We were walking for quite some time before the sun had began to set. "We should think about eating soon." Tewksbury replies to me with the same tone. "We have nothing to eat." Enola replied back. 

"Of course we do." He said before running ahead and pointing around the area. 

"Arctium Lappa, which you'll know as Burlock. Very tasty." Tewksbury told us, who by the way were very impressed. 

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