Chapter 5

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Enola looked at me for a second and then started to look at Tewksbury. "Please get out of this carriage." She told him, not wanting to get caught. It seemed she didn't care who he was.

"I can't. I'm in hiding." He replied to her, putting away his knife in his suit. "And may you explain why?" I asked him while he shifted in his seat. "Bit of a to-do. Bribed a porter to put me in this and get me on board." He inhaled sharply before continuing. "Very daring."

Enola harshly told him to get out again. Tewksbury looked at her then looked at me. "He's the boss." I shrugged, still taking note that we were dressed as boys.

"You both are... strange looking gentlemen." He told us, sighing. I had scoffed before saying, "And I suppose you think you look normal?" 

"You both aren't boys at all." He said, taken aback a little. Enola looked at me then back at the boy at continued. "We might be boys." She told him. I smirked at him and told him with fake sadness, "But I don't really think that is your concern now, is it?" I told him.

Tewksbury sat up straight and asked another silly question. "Who are you?" He asked us, not knowing who we were. Obviously he was a little disturbed by the way we didn't really care. "I'm Viscount Tewksbury the Marquess of Basilwether" He told us putting out his hand for us to shake.

But instead of shaking his hand, we looked at each other and told him, "You're a nincompoop." In union. 

Tewksbury brought down his hand in rejection. "I'll have you know, I have just undertaken a particularly daring escape--" He attempted to tell us, until Enola interrupted him.

"You have not escaped. There is a man in a brown bowler hat currently on this train searching for you, and once he finds you, he will think we helped you and we will be endangered by this.

"Therefore, I ask you to get out of this carriage." She harshly told him. Tewksbury looked at her in shock. Even I was taken aback a bit by her sudden words.

"Enola, calm yourself, I'm sure he--" I tried to tell her but Tewksbury interrupted me. "You remind me of my uncle." He told Enola out of no where.

Pfft. What?

She just glared at him while I am trying to contain my laughter. "Your uncle?" I had somehow managed to get out without laughing. "I've left him at the station. He's bossy too." Tewksbury said, looking out the window.

"Left them all. My mother, my grandmother. But I'm fine. I'm free." He told us, getting up to put the bag that he came out of back on the top of the bracket.

Hm. In some ways... he is like me.

"Good. Get out of the carriage then." Enola fired back. He just looked at me to see if I would say anything but I just looked away. I am better off just following what Enola says... after all she's is the one running away.

He sighed at the lack of dignity he is receiving. "A man in a brown bowler hat?" He asked Enola, still standing up. 

Tewksbury then poked his head out of the door to look around. And while he was doing that, I turned to Enola. "Listen, maybe we should help him. I feel bad." I whispered to her.

Enola looked at me like I just lost my marbles. "Have you lost your mind? If he gets caught we are all going down with him." She told me, knowing that she is right. I sighed in defeat and turned straight forward.  "It'll be fine. It'll be fine." Tewksbury hyped himself up, before leaving without another word. 

I had loudly sighed at how eventful these past days have been. I thought I could relax until exactly 37 seconds later, Tewksbury came running back in the carriage. "He's coming!" He yelled in fear.

"Of course." Enola replied plainly.

"He's checking every carriage."


"You two have to help me."

Enola began to put her coat back on, obviously not wanting to be in the same space as Tewksbury. "He didn't see me." Tewksbury breathed heavily.

"Of course he did. Therefore, we say good day to you, Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of  Basilwether." Enola grabbed all of our belongings and started to walk out of the compartment.

"Good day to you. I wish you luck on your adventure." I patted his shoulder before following Enola. "She really does remind me of my uncle. They have that same stare." He told me, widening his eyes.

I chuckled before shutting the door and following Enola.

As we walked down the train's halls, we see the man that is looking for Tewksbury walking in the opposite direction as them. He hit shoulders with Enola and continued to walking. Enola signaled me to just continue walking straight and ignore him. 

Until we heard the man say, "Ah, there you are sir." Before quickly shutting the door behind him. 

Everything was fine until Enola and I heard struggling cries for help. We both stop dead in our tracks and look at each other for a moment.

"I'm sorry Enola." I told her, deciding to help him. I ran back towards Tewksbury.

When I opened the compartment door, I saw the older man holding Tewksbury by the shirt out the window. Enola came from behind me and quickly grabbed the cane that the older man had and hit him in the back of the neck. 

The man fell to the ground leaving Tewksbury hanging from the window. "Help!" He shouted in panic. I quickly ran over to him and put out my arm for him to grab. "Grab my hand!" I instructed him. He grabbed my hand, without hesitation, and got pulled in just in time.

Us three ran out of the carriage, leaving the older man in there alone. Not letting go of Tewksbury's hand, I followed Enola while she looked for a hiding spot. "Who was that? He was trying to kill me!" Tewksbury said in distraught.

He was clearly scared.

"I'm not ready to die on a train." He cried in fear, but he looked down to see that he was still holding hands with me and calmed down a bit.


"And we aren't ready to die at all. We weren't going to before we met you." Enola told him with annoyance laced in her words, acting like she didn't just save his life.

I looked back at Tewksbury and gave him a comforting smile. "Where are we going sister?" I asked Enola calmly, not noticing my slip up. "I don't know yet." She replied, trying to think of a way to get away from the madman. Enola invaded a carriage full of people and walked back out without apologizing. 

"We are terribly sorry." I told the people before walking back out. We kept walking until we ended up at  the front of the train.

"Is this truly the best way to come?" Tewksbury asked Enola, thinking she's gone mad. "Can you think of a better way?" She harshly shouted at him.

I looked behind us and saw the older man coming our way. Enola jumped from one car to another. "Enola be careful." I said, tightening my hand in fear, forgetting I was still holding Tewksbury's hand. I looked surprised when I felt his hand tighten as well.

Tewksbury and I followed Enola outside of the train. She looked around for anything they could land on and came back to discuss with Tewksbury and I.

"Do you trust me?" Enola shouted at us because the train was very loud.

"Yes!" I said loudly.

"No!" Tewksbury replied with the same tone I used.

"If we time it correctly, we can leave him stranded." Enola told us quickly.

"Which plan gets me out of this situation alive?" Tewksbury asked Enola.

Before anyone could answer, the older man that was chasing after them, bursted through the door. Without hesitation, Enola grabbed my hand and jumped off the train. "This one!" She shouted out as they jumped off.

I had dragged down Tewksbury with me, making him scream as they tumble down the hill that we had just jumped on. We had just barely made it in time, thanks to Enola's smart thinking.

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