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Subliminals are a type of music used to help make our bodies relaxed. It's helpful with shifting AND manifesting! Subliminals help a lot to relax too.

I recommend listening to Subliminals if you are doing the raven, non-sleep, pillow, Alice in wonderland, Sunni, elevator method. But you can use Subliminals in other methods too!

The average time to listen to these Subliminals is between 10-20 minutes. But you can take your time and listen to it for longer or less,
The longer the better I say.

SOME Subliminals can be dangerous, they can give you sleep paralysis, etc. but you don't have to worry if you choose the right one. I recommend you don't just search for "Subliminals" on YouTube and listen to one, doing research is always the best solution.

If you want my recommendations in some Subliminals;

> Quantum jumping portal | shift your reality 6.5 Hz Theta wave binaural beats 🎧 (by Ostia - meditation music)

> Shifting to your DR (binaural beats) (by 【Magician】)

> Shifting to Hogwarts subliminal very very powerful! 6hz theta (by close Subliminals)

> Binaural beat - Theta wave | 100% pure Theta frequency | (by HQ BinauralBeat)

Just so you know I tested all of them and they are completely safe and worked on many people! Remember to be relaxed and believe in yourself! Don't get too nervous or scared, you are completely safe and will shift soon if you believe. :)

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