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Shifting methods are like positions you take, visualizations you do, etc. that help you shift to your dr reality. You don't need a method to shift, but it is highly recommended if you want it to be easier and less messy for you.

There are hundreds of methods you can
try, and I sadly can't fit all of them here.

If one method isn't working on you, always be open-minded to try another!:)


Raven method:

This is method is the most common method used, it is pretty simple. Make sure you are really tired, I recommend meditating before doing this method, listen to Subliminals for better effect. Lay in a starfish position where no limbs are touching, don't move from this position. Start counting from 1-100 while visualizing your dr and repeating affirmations. Once you get to 100, do not open your eyes or move. Try to fall asleep and when you wake up, you should be in your dr!

Estelle method:

Do meditation before trying like in every other method. Lay in a comfortable position in your bed. Make sure no one will distract you. Put on earphones and listen to a song you like, imagine listening to that song with someone from your dr or even maybe dance with them. Once the songs are over, imagine that they'll take you to a door, and you will walk into a bright light. repeat affirmations while walking, continue walking till you fall asleep. When you wake up you should be on your dr!

Pillow method:

This method is the easiest one out of all if you ask me. Start by meditating, and once you finish you want to print or write your script on paper and put it under your pillow. Lay down in a comfortable position and don't move. Repeat affirmations, (if you want to print out or write down affirmations and put them under your pillow too) and visualize your dr, keep doing this until you fell asleep. Then you should wake up in your dr!

Sunni method:

Before doing this method, meditate like every other method, then lay in a comfortable position in your bed. Close your eyes and feel that you are in your dr. It's kinda like when something so unbelievable happens and you feel like this isn't real or you are out of place. Visualize you doing something in your dr and continue until you dose off to sleep. You should wake up in your dr!

The train method:

Relax. Completely relax your mind, your body, yourself. Meditate in this method. Get rid of all negative thoughts. Think about what makes you happy. Imagine that you are on a train, you are on a ride to your desired reality. Keep your eyes closed, when you feel you reached your stop, slowly open your eyes and you should be on your dr!

The non-sleep method:

This is one of my favorite methods since I am an impatient person LOL. Listen to theta waves 6hz, and mediate after that (optional. lay in a comfortable position and close your eyes. After that, repeat "I am" over and over until you get a sign of shifting. After, start counting to 100 VERY SLOWLY. Repeat affirmations while counting. When you reach 100 you should feel most of the signs of shifting. Start identifying more affirmations. After a while of doing this, you should feel detached from your body, when you feel like this, start visualizing your dr. When you feel your surroundings change, open your eyes and you should be in your dr!

Heartbeat method:

Put your phone under your pillow while opening to heartbeat audio. The image you are laying on the chest of someone from your dr. after the audio ends, image the person from your dr leading you to a door. Once you walk in, you will see a bright light. You should feel like you are falling. Repeat affirmations until you fall asleep. You should wake up in your dr!

The Alice in wonderland method:

Clear your mind, meditate before doing this method. then lay in a comfortable. Next, you have to visualize yourself sitting under a tree and seeing someone from your dr. Then you get up and run into a rabbit hole after them. You start falling, falling until you get to the bottom where you are greeted with a door. You have to unlock it, so you take the key and open the door. Then imagine yourself shrinking so you can fit through the door. Once your tiny, open the door to be greeted with a bright light, walk through the light while repeating affirmations. Then go to sleep, when you wake up you should be on your dr!

The Julia method:

This method is a non-sleep method. Meditate for as long as you need to! After you feel relaxed I recommend listening to 6hz waves. After you are done, start repeating "I am" like, repeating "I am" "I am" in your head or out loud until you get a sign of shifting (tingles, white light, twitching, etc). After getting those symptoms, start saying identity affirmations in your head, for example, "My name is...." "I go to...." "I live in...." keep using these until you feel disconnected from your body. Once you feel that start visualizing your dr, you can also use senses like feel if you aren't good at visualizing. When you feel your surroundings completely change open your eyes and you should be there!

These are some of the methods I know information about!

And yes, you can mix methods. For example, I used the Raven + Pillow method together. You can mix as many methods as you want.

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