Not All Heroes Wear Capes

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————————-song for this chapter: I can't carry this anymore by Anson Seabra (on repeat)————————-Italics - Flashback or Trigedasleng

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song for this chapter: I can't carry this anymore by Anson Seabra (on repeat)
Italics - Flashback or Trigedasleng

Bold - translation for the trig


AFTER BREAKING AWAY FROM THE HUG, I walked back to camp in a haze. Everything was a blur. The trees were swarming all around me, buzzing with life. They were mocking me with their green leaves and whispers of life. I had just killed one of my friends. Sure, he asked me for it, but I dealt the hand that killed him. His blood was on my hands. His death was my fault. I shook my head and came to a stop next to an old oak tree. I rested my hand against the trunk, trying to get a grip on my emotions. I took in a deep breath, "Ste yuj." Stay strong. I whispered to myself. I rose and stuck my chin high. Showing weakness meant death down here.

I strode into camp next to Bellamy. He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised, as if asking me 'you okay?' I nodded before turning to Elliot. He took one look at my face and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I was mad earlier." He mumbled frantically into my hair.

I shook my head on his chest, "You had every right." I mumbled. He shook his head as he separated from the hug.

"No, you..." He took in a deep breath and clenched his jaw. "You were meeting the.." He paused and looked around and whispered, "--Earthborns. Besides, I basically called you a traitor ." I looked down at his words.

I looked back up at him. "You didn't know." I told him.

"Didn't know what?" He asked.

"That they weren't harmful." I told gently. I smiled lightly before turning back to Bellamy. He was already staring at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. He looked away when he caught my eye. Before I could say anything, Clarke walked up to us.

"We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine." I nodded before turning to Jones and Conner to my right.

"Get Clarke everything she needs." They nodded before following her into the dropship. Bellamy nodded in thanks towards me before walking away.

Octavia then came towards us. My eyes widened before stepping in front of Atom's body on the floor. "It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper. Did you get the medicine?" She said hopefully.

I swallowed before walking towards her. "Yeah. Clarke... Clarke got it. Come on. Let's go talk." I said, trying to coax her into walking away from Atom's body. Octavia tore away from my grip and went towards Bellamy.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." He said desperately. She tried to go past him but he caught her arms.

She struggled in his grip before yelling out as she got past him. "Stop!" She stopped once she was in front of Atom's body. His face was still covered by my jacket, but she could tell who it was. "Atom." She said with sadness that seemed to cling to her face like the dew on the grass. She whirled around and went past Bellamy.

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