CHAPTER 11:Tangled With My Husband And His Brunette.

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The cold weather had started now that it was the end of November.
My three months of Marriage to Jeremy thankfully didn't drag by like I thought they would. I've been keeping myself busy which explains why.
Jeremy keeps himself busy with his work so I don't see much of him,unless it's a dinner or something family related that we have to attend together.

It was Friday night and I was sitting on Natasha's couch,having a catch up with her and Alex.
Like every Friday,I'm spending the night here so Jeremy can have his one night away from our Arrangement just like we agreed upon.

"You know I love having you stay the night,Hon.Especially since we can have our Girlie catch up and a drink."Natasha smiled.
"But I'm sure you miss being away from Jeremy for one night a week?"

"Um,Sure I do.But Jeremy and I haven't been together all that long,we don't want to suffocated each other by being so close all the time.
If we want us to last..then sometimes we need some space."

"Well a little space never hurt anyone."Alex tapped the neck of his beer bottle off mine in agreement.

Hands down the biggest load of bullshit I've ever said..But it was needed. Jeremy and I need to be around each other as little as possibly, especially on Friday night when his Frank and Beans are in action.

"Well your old room is always here anytime you need it."Natasha said,from her place in the kitchen.
"I always look forward to our Friday night's together,the three of us."

"You're not getting a roommate?"

She tilted her head to the side."Uh,I thought about it. I decided to just cover the bills myself,I don't want to live with someone I don't know."

"Too many weirdos out there now,so I agree with your choice."
Alex took a swig from his beer bottle and looked over at me."It's a real pity you didn't get to go on that honeymoon after,Flower."

I sighed,acting like I was disappointed."Yeah,It's a shame. Jeremy and I are just swamped at the moment.
Hopefully after the New Year we can make time for it,but it's on hold for the moment."

Of course i was happy that Jeremy put off the Honeymoon in the end,his Mom wasn't thrilled about it though.
I don't have time to go away right now,I spend whatever time I have spare visiting my Dad at the hospital and I wouldn't want to go a week without seeing him.

Tasha crossed the room from the kitchen and set a bowl of potato chips on the coffee table."I guess that's true,You've been working so hard for the ballet lately we've hardly seen you except for Friday nights.
You must be excited about it,Ness?"

"Well I've never been the lead in anything before so saying I'm nervous about this would be an understatement.
I bought a new pair of pointe shoes that I'm going to spend the next few weeks breaking in,I can already feel the pain."

Alex clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth."You're the best I've ever seen.You don't need to worry about a thing,trust us."

"I want to see these new shoes though,you know what I'm like when it comes to footwear.
Even if it's not the type of footwear that I can wear myself."Natasha giggled.

"I have them with me actually,I'll go grab them."I walked down the hallway towards my old bedroom to grab my shoes from my overnight bag.

Since getting the role I've been constantly on my feet,trying to prepare myself and prefect my routine. It was Colin's wife that actually got me the audition in the first place.
Being married to Jeremy Austin has some benefits that might take me places in the long run. Hopefully.

I opened up my overnight bag, rummaging through it I realised my pointe shoes weren't inside. I thought I packed them in here,I need them for early morning practice in the morning.
Shit!! What am I going to do now?

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