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I opened my front door,expecting her face to be the first thing that I would see. I was sorely disappointed to not find her ready and waiting by the stairs, nor the kitchen or living room either.

"Vanessa-Where are you?"I shouted, with agitation in my voice but I didn't get a reply. I took the stairs towards her bedroom and I walked the hallway. When I had left she was almost ready,I can't believe it's 30 minutes later and she's still keeping me waiting.

I pushed open her bedroom door."What the hell is taking so long,Vanessa? I'm growing impatient!"I looked around,but she wasn't there. I noticed the dress that she was supposed to be wearing for tonight's dinner was still hanging on the door of her closet.

Where the hell is she?

Did she change her mind and decide not to come,Just to make me look like an idiot? I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled her number,but instead of her answering I heard the buzzing of her phone from the bed. I was agitated before-But now I was fucking furious!!

Now I can't even get a hold of her to find out where the hell she is. I looked through her phone with not an ounce of guilt. She's my wife-Technically it's within my right!! Text after Text from that Alex guy.

I sighed,as I scrolled through them. He sure doesn't like me,it's clear from the messages. But surprisingly that wife of mine was sticking up for me. I pulled up the recent calls that were outgoing and received,when I heard some loud knocking on the front door.

"Who the fuck is that?"I hissed,and left the room towards the stairs. The knocks were continuous,pissing me off more but caused me to speed up. I pulled the door open with a glare."Finley,What's the big panic?"

"Jeremy-I was just looking for my sister. Is she home?"He asked,in a tone of panic. There must be something wrong for him to show up at my door looking like that.

"No-She's not!"I released an audible sigh as I opened the door wider."I don't know where she is. We were supposed to be going for dinner but she left by time I got back."

"Why do you have her phone?"He was looking down at Vanessa's phone in my hand. It was obvious that it was hers,it had a rose gold case with the letter V on the back

"She left it here. I'm guessing she just wants some privacy wherever she is." Either that,or she just forgot the phone. She doesn't seem that overly obsessed with her phone like most women.

"Shit!!"He murmured."She shouldn't be alone at a time like this. She's in a fragile state."

She's in a fragile state and she can't be alone. What the hell is he talking about? I left her not even an hour ago and she was perfectly fine.I furrowed my brows at him."What do you mean she's in a fragile state? She seemed fine to me?"

"She didn't tell you?"He asked,and I shook my head in reply."My Dad died not even an hour ago. Vanessa called me afterwards and I could tell by her that she wasn't taking it well. The fact that she's not here has me a little worried."

"Jesus!!"I sighed,rubbing my facial stubble in uncomfortableness."She could have went to see those friends of hers-Natasha and that guy Alex."

Finley shook his head."When she didn't pick up I called them on the way here,neither of them have heard from her. I'm just going to go to her studio to see if she is there.If I find her I'll call you."He turned around to walk away.

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