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I pulled up outside the mansion after dropping Finley back at college bright and early. My brother and I didn't have the pleasantest of conversations on the car ride-since the talk was about what happened at the after party last night. I told Finley what happened-some of it at least.

I didn't want to make the situation worse than it already is so I didn't tell my brother that Jeremy attacked Alex the way he did. I don't need Finley hating the man that I have to spend another couple of months with.

Life is hard enough!!

I looked out the window of my Black Audi Q7 and at the front door of the mansion. I didn't want to go in-I didn't want to face Jeremy just yet. Since Finley was sleeping in my room last night for obvious reasons,I ended up spending the night on the couch. It was definitely more comfortable than sleeping on Jeremy's bedroom floor that's for sure.

I grabbed my phone from my bag on the passengers seat with Alex on my mind. We haven't spoken since last night and that was something that was bothering me. Is he angry with me? I can't really blame him if he is.

"I'm so sorry about last night,it should never have happened. I hope your face is okay?"I sent the message and rested back in my seat anxiously waiting for a reply.

My phone vibrated after a few minutes and I looked down and saw that it was a reply from Alex."Don't sweat it-It's fine. Remember it was all him!! Let's meet up and talk about this more at some point during the week."

That's a relief-But I'll feel better about the situation when I see him in person. Feeling a little better,I grabbed my things from the car and made my way towards the front door of the mansion. I'm going straight to my room-where I plan on staying until tomorrow.Yes, It might be only noon but I don't really give a damn.

When I walked inside I immediately heard the sound of music playing,loud music. I walked through the hall going passed the living room on my way,the doors were opened as an invitation for me to see what was going on inside.

That asshole!!

Sitting there naked from the waist up and holding a scotch glass in his hand, Jeremy looked like he was in his element. Not a care in the world over what happened at the party last night, nor a care in the world about me.

In front of him stood that same brunette girl from the last time-Alissa I think her name was. She was dancing around in sexy black lingerie,drunk off the two champagne bottles that lay empty on the floor.


I felt like throwing a calendar at him to remind him what day it was,but I know that he's doing this to hurt me over last night. This is his way of getting back at me!!

Jeremy turned his head in my direction and noticed that I was standing there. He smirked,holding my gaze for a few seconds before turning his attention back to her. I'm not going to lie-It Hurt! After what happened between us after the Ballet yesterday,I figured he would at least try to make things right.

He really is the Devil!

I was showered and changed into a fresh set of workout clothes. Now that Jeremy was home-and with company here was not where I wanted to be.
I grabbed my pointe shoes and hung them over my shoulder. I can always count on Ballet to take my mind off my problems.

"Where are you going?"Jeremy's husky tone came from behind me,causing me to jump with a fright.

When I turned around I saw that he was wearing a Navy Cotton Robe that was open,showing off the black boxer briefs that he was wearing underneath. The boxer briefs that were hugging his massive bulge. That man literally has no shame!!

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