Ch:39 In and Out

205 23 33

(Lea's P.O.V)

I held my breath, my heart pounding and pushed myself into the shadows, flat against the wall.

The two guys passed and I let out my breath, slinking away deeper into the warehouse. The 'guards' had a pattern of patrol and I'd caught onto that. I wouldn't make too much noise and peek in.

So far I had inspected three rooms that gave me no good reads or results whatsoever.

Now would be the fourth room.

I slowly tried the door but like two of the previous ones, it was locked. But I wouldn't be skipping it because the material of this one door was different, more durable of sorts. It had to be of importance.

So taking out the lock pick, I worked for exactly 39 seconds before the relieving click of the door being unlocked entered my ears. Sighing softly, I gulped and with one swift move, slipped inside.

Once the door was securely closed and locked again, I took a brief look around.

'Jackpot.' Nikita smiled.

This was a room decked in maroon and a brown desk with a chair in the centre. It seemed like an office. For illegal things, of course. A big brown carpet was on the floor too. Hopefully it would mask the creaking sounds I'd make when walking.

I gritted my teeth and thanked heavens for the strategic position of this warehouse as it wasn't visible to passer bys. This room had one window on the side that was thankfully closed. I took a peek outside and saw three guys doing regular rounds in the vicinity.


I'd better be quite and quick.

I started to explore.

Drawers with documents and papers full of illegal shipping of goods, mostly weapons. Shelves with files on different people, different deals. But I flipped through them. Nothing of interest to me.

I headed to the desk. There was a pen stand, a few files that didn't have what I wanted and then a paperweight. A bookshelf was behind the desk, but it bore the same boring things. Though was for the sake of it, I checked by pushing and pulling out books. No secret bookshelf hideout either.

Nothing related to the chain bombs to be set in the main sites of Texas in 15 days.

A small bar kind of thing was on the left with wine glasses, crystal clear champagne bottles and cheap beer.

I gnawed on my lip and stood in the centre.

Of course I hadn't expected it to be this easy but a girl can wish, right?

I started lightly knocking on the walls to see if there was a hollow space and walked slightly heavier. The floorboards seemed to be intact just like the walls.

I felt slightly frustrated and glanced at my watch.

8 minutes.

Shit. I froze as I heard the telltale sound of footsteps but it was the usual patrol.

They came by and without opening, headed back.

I exhaled in relief and then cursed myself. I'd have 8 more minutes till the next round and I'd be lucky if they didn't find the two guards I had left unconscious before that.

I looked around with a shrewd gaze.

I went to the bookshelf again and started to push the spines of all the books.

One book's spine seemed hollow yet filled with something slim and circular. I quickly took the book out and tilted it. The spine head came off and out slid a pen.

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