Chapter 19

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A year and a month after Yusuf and Nora's marriage, alot has happened, Noori's godfather had won the presidential election and her father was made minister of defense, to Noori the benefi being a minster of defense daughter, she will wear Camo like die.

Toaday Zullu was on call with Noori, (they usually communicate), after series of complains on why she was now in Lebanon from France, she informed her about her up coming wedding Finally, in a month

"We will all be spending two weeks in Abuja before the wedding, I, Ali, Ya Rahils, Ya Abbas, anyone who wants to be there, and i know you know you are suppose to be there, i don't know if Ameerah will be there, after all she is married, but you have to be there, you and Tawa"

"Fine, but why two weeks before"

"Oh i will be staying there, so Ya Rahila and some of my aunties will be buying stuffs for the house, instead of buying everything from kano and start transporting,

"Yeah, aiit,  i will be in kano maybe next week" Noori said rolling her eyes,

"Are you bleaching your skin, you look fair more fair" she said eyeing Noori from the screen

"No, i don't its just the weather"

"I don't believe you, anyways stop fixing human hair will you" Zullu said and got off the screen

after the call, she went up to Yusuf's home office, after all it was a Saturday,

"Hey Sugar" she said on entering,

"Babe, whats up" he replied as he motion to her to come sit on his lap,

"I was just on phone with Zullu, its her wedding" she said as she sat down

"Really, when"

"A month" she said and explained what Zullu told her,

"But i have work" he said looking at her

"I know, maybe you could take a break, we talked about the break" she complained

"I will see what i can do, besides who will you introduce me as, i don't want to go against our talk with Umma" he said with a sigh,

"As my fiance, but Am not forcing you, you know what do what you wish, if you like don't" she said and meant to get up but he pulled her back,

"Are you on your period" he asked

"Yeah why" she snapped,

"You are on the edge, since yesterday" he said as he shook his head, "you know what, let me make you something nice in the kitchen" he said

"It better be nice"

"you know i cook better than you" he teased as he gently pulled her out,

That night after some talks with Yusuf and he welcomed the idea, she called Zullu's mum, after hearing the scolds on not calling or texting her, Zullu told her that she and her husband have a hotel in Abuja and that mama should just organize the number of people going, so she will automatically make a reservation for them and that their private jet will be use for the journey to Abuja and that she wouldnt inform anybody it was Nooris generousity, Mama welcomed and appreciated the idea, after all it will save the cost expenditure.


And true to her words, Noori flew back to Nigeria alone in one of their private jet the following, the plan was that Yusuf will come see her the day they will be flying to Abuja.

Noori's arrival to Nigeria was welcomed with a small celebration from her family, they missed their big sister and first child, even Ameera and her husband flew from lagos to await her arrival,

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