-+*Chapter Eighteen*+-

765 32 45

-long chapter-

TW- Abuse , crime, etc.

Daichi's POV

-a week later-

I sigh as I get into my car after dropping off Mabel at daycare, seeing an unfamiliar face at the table there, telling the parents about Sugawara going missing, just reminding me more of what I had to do today..

- - - - - - -

"Daichi Sawamura, right?" I nod, "yes, sir."

"You're a single father with a five year old daughter, am I correct?" I nod again, "correct."

"When was the last time you seen Sugawara Kōushi?"

"I seen him a couple hours before, I dropped him off at his home and he asked for me to pick him up and drop him off the next day."

"When was the last time you heard of him?" I bite the inside of my cheek, a habit I wasn't used of doing, "that night, we were on the phone."

"For how long?" I shrug, "4? 5? Maybe 6 hours? We both fell asleep on the phone." Another officer nods, "he's right sir, the phone call is completely silent after the 4 : 35 : 0.2 range."

"Then why did he send help to you an hour after that?"

"I wouldn't have woken up to that, my phone was on silent. He was already on my contact so it was probably the quickest way."

"Do you think he was getting taken typing that?" I shake my head, "no, sir."

"Why not?"

"I've known Suga since high school, he has past trauma with getting kidnapped and/or taken away. He gets paranoia whenever alone in public, but I think he sent that when he started feeling paranoia or feeling that feeling of getting watched. T-That's just based off of my own thinking..." They all nod, "okay, last question, did anyone ever hate or have a disliking towards Suga? Does anyone have a motive?"

"His roommate, Munnsun Sakura, has told me about this date he had...uhm...all the messages are on Suga's phone, by the number of ***-***-****...uhm...he also had a party that night, well, his roommate did. He wasn't the party person." I sigh, "other than that, I don't think anyone has a motive to do this intentionally unless it's the guy there."

"Are you saying Sugawara was-" I nod, "yes. He is." They write it down, "what are you exactly to Sugawara?" This question left me just sitting there, not a straight answer like the rest of them.


"O-Oh! Uh...we used to be together in high school before parting, not talking to each other until a couple months ago. We're friends." They nod, writing me down, "you aren't a strong suspect Daichi. You're able to leave now."

* * *

I tried to work, but it was impossible. All these questions filled my head, sometimes images. I sigh and rub my face tiredly. For the past week I haven't been able to sleep well, or at all really.

I decide today just wasn't the day to work, "going on another break, boss?"

"No, just need to clear my head for the day."

"Is that guy's missing case really bothering that much?" I nod and scratch the back of my head, "kind of."

"He'll be okay, boss!" I nod before waving and walking out the door. I sigh again. This damn case is going to kill me.

* * *

I open my eyes to be in a dark room, I look around and see Suga, looking quite blank at the floor.

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