Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

Damian lunged at Marinette and pointed his katana at her. She immediately crouched down and swept her legs underneath him. He flipped over her. Her katana was in a sheath and he had his on his back.  She aimed the punches to his stomach and he blocked them all . 

He aimed a kick and she quickly moved to the side and landed a kick to his stomach. He inhaled quickly but, shook it off. He took out his katana and she did the same and twirled it around in her hand. He lunged and she immediately blocked the hit with her sword. She kept lunging at him, pointing her sword at him to get him off balance. She was also switching fighting styles and that threw Damian off. 

 He quickly moved to the shadows and blended as he was taught to in the league. Marinette knew where he was but chose not to show it.  He put his katana on his back and he moved behind her and waited till' her back was completely toward him and pounced. She quickly turned around and landed a quick to his chest and flipped herself over him and quickly grabbed his katana. 

She twirled them both in her hands and put them on her back to form an 'X'. She walked over and held out her hand. "tuharib 'afdal mimma faealt eindama kunaa 10. walakun ma zilt yudribik." Damian shook her hand but still answered. "laqad wasalat taghyir 'asalib alqital min khalali. waqad mara waqt tawil mundh 'ana qatilana walam yakun 'iikhwati al'afdal fi alqital eindama yataealaq al'amr bi'uslub alqatil , lidha lm 'atadarab bishakl mufaratin." She rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue but didn't reply to him. 

His brothers looked like they saw an alien and both Damian and Marinette knew they were going to be swarmed by questions from him. Marinette threw up both swords and jumped up and kicked them both back to where they belonged and the katanas were back in their spot and Marinette landed effortlessly on her feet. 

Marinette walked back to her class while they looked pale but she was pretty sure they were going to forget about it the moment they left the Manor and Lila was going to start spinning her lies. She knew she was going to hate. Except she didn't expect one thing. She didn't leave the manor after lunch. 

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