Return New world part 4

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The carnival was underway when Elena heard a squealed "Elena!" before she was pulled into a hug by Caroline.

"Oh my God, Caroline!" Elena laughed as she hugged Caroline back. "I'm so happy you're back. I have missed you so, so much."

"I have missed you too!" Caroline pulled back with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much Damon." Elena walked over to Damon who was standing a few paces behind Caroline and hugged him.

"Don't mention it." Damon hugged back, subtly breathing in her scent.

"I never get any love." Stefan pouted with laughter in his eyes.

"Poor, poor Steffy." Elena walked over and patted him on the head, then she linked her arm with Carolines. "Come on, let's go and find Jeremy."

Together the four of them wandered around looking for one Mr. Jeremy Gilbert, all the while laughing and having fun.

"Bonnie is off with this guy, Carter I think, and fixing the karaoke speaker." Elena told Caroline. "And he was definitely flirting with her."

"Go Bonnie!" Caroline giggled.

"Caroline!" Jeremy walked up to them holding a bag of popcorn.

"Hey Jeremy." Caroline smiled.

"Hold this." Jeremy shoved the popcorn bag into Stefans hands so he could pull Caroline into a hug. "I'm so glad that you are okay."

"Thank you." Caroline looked a little shocked at the hug but happily hugged back.

"I've missed my blond sister." Jeremy murmured.

"I've missed you to, little brother." Caroline smiled brightly enough to light up the evening with tears of happiness in her eyes.

After a while the group arrived at the arm-wrestling booth to see Tyler being challenged by several times and winning them all.

"He's got strength." Damon hummed as they kept watching.

"He's a triple letter varsity athlete, of course he has strength." Stefan chuckled.

"I bet I can beat you." Mason arrived with a smirk.

"You go Tyler!" Elena called out as Tyler and Mason arm-wrestled.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy asked with a chuckle.

"Cheering on a class mate." Elena smiled.

"You do know he wants to get into your pants, right?" Caroline hummed as she looked between Elena and Tyler.

"What?!" Jeremy started to glare at Tyler.

"No, he doesn't." Elena laughed.

"I heard him talking to Matt about it once." Caroline informed them. "He told Matt that he'd like to, and I'm quoting here, 'Make Elena scream in pleasure as I pound her against a wall'."

"I'm going to break his face." Jeremy growled darkly with Damon and Stefan nodding along.

"It could just be some male macho bullshit though." Caroline shrugged.

"Okay, he's the champ." Tyler stepped back from the table. "Who wants to go next?"

"Stefan wants to try." Damon called out with a smirk aimed at Stefan.

"I'll get you back for this." Stefan hissed at Damon as he walked towards Mason and the table.

"Get him Stef!" Damon encouraged.

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