Hybrid Birthday part 1

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Elena slowly got up from her bed with a sigh and walked over to her window to pull the curtains wide open. It has been three months since Stefan and Klaus left to find a werewolf pack to turn into hybrids and it seemed like they hadn't had much luck yet.

Elena still talked with Stefan on the phone and over text very often, she even started trading texts and some calls with Klaus, which surprised her. She actually liked talking to Klaus, he had almost the same dark humor as her and he had seen so much history that it was unbelievable. One of the things that had resulted in her texting and talking to Klaus was that he asked her to call him Nik, which she gladly accepted, seeing as how the whole Klaus thing made her think of Santa.

She had also visited Finn, in whatever place he was in, three times since the sacrifice. The first time it happened after the sacrifice, Finn was so happy to see her that her grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. They usually spent their time talking about non-personal stuff and whatever else came to mind.

Elena smiled as she walked up to her wardrobe when her phone pinged to indicate a new text message.


Tennessee is sooooo boring :C


So, ask Nik to break your neck if you are so bored :P


Sympathy, Elena, sympathy!


Sympathy are for puppies and kittens :D


Next time you want sympathy from me, I'll remind you of this conversation >:(

Elena chuckled at the last text as she placed her chosen outfit on the bed. A black top with a criss crossing plunging neckline, maroon colored skinny jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket matched with a simple black choker.

 A black top with a criss crossing plunging neckline, maroon colored skinny jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket matched with a simple black choker

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She took a quick shower and put on some eyeliner and mascara, then she quickly put on her clothes before starting to make her way to the kitchen. Before she got far, she decided to wake her brother up so he didn't sleep the entire day.

As she walked into her little brothers' room, she couldn't help but smile at the peaceful picture he made as he slept and she really hated to have to wake him, but needs must and all...

"Aaahh!" Jeremy groaned as Elena pulled the curtains up to let the sun in. "Early. Bad!"

"You're adorable Jere and I wish I could let you sleep." Elena smiled at him. "But you can't sleep the entire day away."

"Maybe I could if you pulled the curtains down again." Jeremy mumbled hopefully.

"Aim high, little brother, aim high." Elena chuckled as she walked out of the room.

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