The beginning of Chaos

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Another day, another yell from Hayato worrying about his future boss.

"Hi Hayato-kun. You finished with after school activities?" Setsunayukihime Sawada asked.

"Of course, Tenth-hime! And summer will be around the corner for us soon! Which means we'll be in our last year of high school soon!" Hayato said.

Tsuna smiled and thought back to the chaos that started this.

Ever since Reborn came along, crazy characters from the mafia had been popping up one after another.

She now had a full set of guardians, and had to be trained as the next head of the Vongola family.

That was back when she was in middle school, and a shy student. But at the same time, she could thank Reborn because she now has real friends, her grades had gotten better...although she could deal without one thing.

As she was in her last year of middle school, her body hit puberty big time. She now had curves, a figure, and a bust that girls her age would die for. And a lot of guys that used to ignore her would send her a mountain of gifts. And that's not counting ones from the mafia! And don't get her started on the unwanted advances from Shamal!

Her guardians often escorted her just to keep those kinds of boys away, which she appreciated.

It had also been so long since she found out she was a Cardcaptor like her grandmother Sakura. She went through the same trial as her, and she gained the trust of both Kero and Suppi. She treated the cards as if they were family too.


"Ah, Tsuna! Watch out!" She heard Takeshi from behind, and she saw a familiar bazooka heading her way.

'Oh, crud...' she thought as the blast whisked her to wherever.

When she opened her eyes, Tsuna found she was on top of a building. And the scenario of different shades of red threw her off.

And then she saw the sign.

Welcome to Hell

'This is Hell? Where's Satan, his minions, the fire pits, the river of lava?' Then she realized something.

'Did the bazooka malfunction again? How am I gonna get back now?!'

Then she felt something crawling in her hair. She would've screamed but she saw it was Leon.

"Leon. Is Reborn here too?" She asked in concern. The little chameleon shook his head 'no'.

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice from her bag piped up.

She opened her bag to see Kero and Suppi, and was thankful they tagged along for once, along with bringing her Sky Cards.

"Well, we might as well look for a way back." Suppi sighed.

"But where do we start?" Kero said with a frown.

"We should look for a safe place to stay first. My skin's crawling just from the aura of this place." Tsuna said as Leon climbed into her hair and turned into a green hairclip.

She looked down and carefully got down from the building, as she hid behind a garbage bin.

The demons were nothing like she thought. There were so many varieties, it was hard to keep track. Some looked like actual demons, some were like animals, others, she couldn't tell what they were. But she knew she had to survive.

Then she spotted a girl/guy? stepping out of a car. From the sound of their voice, they were a male.

After the car took off, Tsuna carefully left the garbage bin to hide behind another one. But then she felt a hand grasping her arm.


"Hey, hey, sugar tits. Easy there. You new here? I guess you haven't gotten a demon form yet. Name's Angel Dust by the way." The spider demon said.

"I-I'm Setsunayukihime." Tsuna nervously said in English, thankful Reborn gave her those lessons. But he could decipher the accent.

"Thats a long name. You Japanese?"

"1/2 Japanese, 1/4th Italian, 1/8th Chinese, 1/10th English actually." She nodded. "Born and raised in Japan too."

"Well, since you're new to Hell, it's good timing since the Cleansing just ended." Angel said. "Not to actually look nice with that body and face. If I was straight, I'd take you for myself, honey." Angel smiled as he wound an arm behind Tsuna, while tickling her chin, making her blush. "So, what did you do to get down here? No, wait let me guess-"

Then an explosion occurred as Angel got Tsuna behind his back.

Well, a new story of a new plot bunny.
Yup it's KHR, CCS and Hazbin Hotel crossover!
Next is action with Cherri Bomb, along with Tsuna having to use her sky flame.
I need suggestions on how the characters could interact with Tsuna.
Sir Pentious:

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