Stained Glass and Vanishing Buildings

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"Alright, what's with you lately?" Husk said as he and Alastor were at the bar later that day.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about, my friend." Alastor said, his grin not fully sincere.

"Don't talk sh** with me. Since your mishap with another of those cards, you've been avoiding Tsuna like the plague. Is this because she saw you in such a shameful state, or that she reminds you of her?"

"While they look similar, act similar even, don't mention them in the same breath." Alastor warned as he thought of Haruko.

'Sides, Haruko was the only person to take what little heart I had without knowing. While I did want payback, but it's sounding less than satisfying now.' He thought.

The next day, Tsuna met up with Loona and Octavia for a girl's day.

"Still can't believe Charlie's parents came by. And you found two new cards?" Octavia asked.

"Yup. Crystal actually helped. Some card spirits are like that. Though, not all of them will come along quietly." Tsuna admitted.

"Yeah, it wouldn't be easy doing your job." Loona said.

"Well, lookie here." A voice piped up.

The girls turned to see a rough-looking boar demon with a lizard demon and a shark demon. They all had lecherous looks at the girls, especially Tsuna.

"Hey, you that playmate of Velvet's right?" The boar demon asked with a smirk.

"Y-yeah." Dang it, why now to be nervous?!

"Hm, ya ain't bad looking. How bout I show ya a good time?"

But before Tsuna could respond, Loona came up and shoved the boar out of the way.

"Back off jack. She ain't interested."

But then, buildings around them started to either vanish, or become shiny and polished.

"What the?!"

"What's with the buildings?!" The two other male demons asked.

The shark demon looked like he hit his face into a wall in surprise.

"Hey, it's like some sort of window."

"'s glass!" Tsuna realized. Then she turned to the three demons. "Do you guys have anything that can smash this?"

"Lucky for us, our car is right inside this box too." The lizard demon said.

"Alright, you guys smash it, I'll handle the rest."

The male demons nodded. With their car in overdrive, it caused the containment to crack and shatter as something screamed.

Tsuna took out her staff and captured a new card.

It looked to be a woman with a dress made from glass with shards around her.

"Glass. It would explain the containment."

The three male demons asked how she was able to do that.

But then they were halted by some tentacles sticking from the ground.

"Well, I guess I could try a mix of meat today." Alastor said from his position, ready for the kill. Mostly because the three demons were hitting on Tsuna.

"Alastor! Put them down! They may have harassed me at first, but they just helped me get a new card! Release them at once!" Tsuna shouted at Alastor, furious he would attack demons like that. Her sky aura leaked through catching Alastor off guard and the tentacles let the three demons go. Tsuna motioned for them to leave.

"Thanks. We owe ya one." The boar demon said as they left.

Alastor gained a slakened smile since it had been a long time since someone gave him real authority.

"Guess this means we're cutting girls night short." Loona sighed.

"It's alright guys. We'll finish it up another time." Tsuna said as she waved goodbye to Octavia and Loona.

Tsuna turned back to the deer demon, and this time, she intended to get some answers.

"Alastor, you've been avoiding me ever since I captured Desire. Do you still feel shame from what happened? I already forgave you since you weren't in the right mind."

"It's not that." Alastor said as his grin became strained confusing Tsuna. Even more when he spoke, "I still can't believe you exist."


"Yes." Alastor said as he cupped her chin. "You remind me of a young woman I met a long time ago, when I was alive. To be honest, I actually began to like her...until she became my downfall. You see, I was a radio host and serial killer in New Orleans in the 1920s and 30s. I prided myself on that.....then she waltzed into my life....your great-great-grandmother."

"Grandma Haruko?"

"Yes. I originally intended for her to be another target. But, as time passed, I grew comfortable around her. What drew me to her was that she never acted like the women who flirted with me...Even though I learned she was to marry another man, for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to harm her...And that led to my demise at the jaws of hunting dogs the police released on me." Alastor said his eyes switching from dials to back.

Then he grabs Tsuna pulling her close.

"Then you suddenly arrive. Every time you talk, you keep reminding me of her. Something I could never have."

Tsuna was surprised at this. Was this really how Alastor felt?

Before Tsuna could speak, she felt another tingle up her spine.

A dumpster nearby where they were suddenly vanished. Then a building. Then another.

Demons around them began being confused.

But then Alastor looked pissed something interrupted him and a faint radio screech came from him.

However, the dumpster came back.

Tsuna then had an idea.

"Alastor. Could you do that sound again, but much louder?"

Knowing it was the work of a card, Alastor gave off a louder radio static noise.

The buildings came back and a figure in a cloak emerged with their hands over their ears.

"Force without a master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and be one with my power! Secure!"

The spirit was captured, and a new card was formed.


Tsuna then turned back to Alastor to tell him, and this time, to make sure it stuck with him.

"Alastor. I may not know my predecessor's relationship with you, and I may not understand it either. But because I remind you of her, it does not make me like her at all. I'm going to be expected to lead the whole mafia world one day. She never had to. And I'm not going to let it get to me either. I'm just me right now, but if it's to protect those I care for back home, I'll fight tooth and nail. Even if it has to be against you." Tsuna said as she stood her ground.

Alastor stared. Then blinked twice.

Finally he chuckled.

"You're right. You are different from her, and I apologize for my behavior around you lately." Then Alastor yanked her to his body.

"Besides, I've never seen her face Hell like you before." He finished making Tsuna flustered.
14 down, 13 cards to go.

Upcoming cards so far:
Elegance for Pride
Gourmet for Gluttony
Avaricious for Greed

I plan to introduce the dark elemental cards soon. It won't be in this order though. But the next chapter will have on of the Sin cards.

The Guardians will arrive soon too.
Plz comment!

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