When he was whole.

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3rd person POV:

Kai sat on his knees in front of Mister Chan who walked back and forth. Kai's arms were wrapped in bandages after his last battle.

Mister Chan: Hmmm...


Mister Chan: We do combat training now.


Kai: B-but Mister Chan! I don't like fighting!

Mister Chan: Good. But this important to learn. Or you want to lose control always?

Kai: No...

Mister Chan: You dodge well. Hit suck... normally.

Mister Chan: If you wish to overcome issue you have, then you need to balance yourself with all of martial arts.

Kai: Balance...

Kai: Just don't tell Jen about my arms.

Mister Chan: Only if you don't tell her about our new training.

Kai: Deal!

Mister Chan: Let us begin.

(Opening theme)

Rose arrived at the apartment complex of Kai's. Looking at it, she is reminded of what transpired last she was here.


After the events under the highway, Rose arrived at Kai's apartment with Kai himself.

Kai: Th-thank you.

Rose: Forget about it.

Kai: I'm sorry you couldn't get it...

Rose: Eh, if they won't take me then screw them! I'll find some other way to get what I want.

Kai: Why di-did you want to join them?


Rose: Guess you did get beat up for me.

Rose: Those guys get things done. Unlike the authorities called my parents who get nothing done.

Rose: I'm sick of how useless they are, so I thought I could shove it to them by joining a gang like that.

Kai: So... Y-you're rebelling?

Rose: Don't like using that word because it makes me feel like a child, but yeah.

Rose:(sigh)... Whatever. Guess I have to date someone as bad as them to stick it to my parents.

Rose: Well I'm off.

Kai: W-wait!

Rose: What?

Kai: You said I can say one thing to you if I helped you.

Rose: You've already said several things.


Kai: J-just one more thing then, please...

Rose: Sure, it's not like I want to follow my curfew.

Kai: Thank you.

Kai: I wanted to say... I'm sorry.

Rose: Huh?

Kai: I'm sorry I bumped into you in school... I should have looked where I was going.

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