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Headmaster- I'm sorry Rose but this is the last straw *he said as he rubbed his tired eyes with the tips of his fingers* not only have you set you past 3 schools on fire and now this one but you've broken 2 students bones and a teacher has to go to therapy because of you. It's not acceptable. You're expelled. Your mum is waiting outside for you. *he says as he waves his hand for her to leave* and close the door behind you!
Rose's PoV
Great expelled from another school. Mum is going to kill me. I've only just made friends. And how many more schools is there around London to go to? But this time it actually wasn't my fault but no one will believe me because I've done it so many times. The popular girls at the school found out about my past and they decided they didn't like me because I didn't care what they thought and their comments didn't offend me. So they set the school gym on fire when they knew I was gonna be in there and they wouldn't let me put it out so I had a fight with them and happened to break the bones of two girls. They shouldn't have tested me like that. No one knows what I'm capable of. When I get to the car my mum has a face like thunder I brace myself for what's about to happen.
Mum- what on earth do you think you're doing Rose?! That's the 4th school this year! Why can't you-
Rose- why can't I just be good mum?! *she interrupts* Because I have ADHD and anger problems on top of that, what do you expect from me?! They shouldn't mess with me if they don't know what I'm capable of!
Mum- I expect you to take your medication and try and bite your tongue and use your coping mechanisms! That is was I expect from you!
Rose- *stays quiet and then finally asks* so what school am I going to next then?
Mum- oh you're not going to a school. You're going to a camp for delinquents. And I swear to the all mighty god himself if you don't behave you can kiss goodbye to the school I'm enrolling you in when you get out and you can say hello to the next flight to Newzeland because you will be going to live with your father. Don't test me Rose. Because YOU don't know what I'm capable of! *she rolls her eyes as she pulls into the driveway of their house* I suggest you get packing you're leaving first thing tomorrow and only pack essentials and some sentimental things. They will give you a uniform to wear when you're there.
Rose- where I'm going... what's it called?
Mum- it's like a prison. You will spend the time there that you're sentenced wear a uniform like a prison and do jobs that the guards ask you to do. The other inmates will all be your age. And you will still be learning maths and English while you're there.
Rose- and how long am I there for?
Mum- until your 18
Rose- but that's a year away
Mum- exactly and if you don't learn anything in a year then I don't know what's going to teach you that being a trouble maker isn't right *she sighs and places her head on the steering wheel*
Rose- okay I'll go pack *she said quietly as she got out of the car and closed the door gently before walking into the house to pack*
Rose's PoV
You may be wondering why I didn't start a fight with my mum just then... it's because I saw the hurt and desperation in her eyes. I'm not promising that I'll be good there but I can promise that I will try, I searched it up and they add more time onto "your stay there" which means sentence if you do something wrong. Looks like my stay there is going to be more than a year. It's also not like a prison because you're with the guys and you have guy roommates occasionally, but the rooms aren't cells they're normal rooms with beds in them and the bathroom is in a little room in the back of the room we sleep in. I seriously hope that my roommate isn't a guy. I've just finished packing my things and mum called me and my older brother down for food.
Mum- Kai! Rose! Food!
*the two teens run downstairs to get their food*
Mum- right seen as this is our last meal as a family for a while can we have one without arguments
Kai- oh yeah you're going to that prison thing aren't you?
Rose- y-yeah *she stutters out not wanting to disappoint her brother because he's the only one that ever believed in her*
Kai- just be good yeah? Get out as soon as you can
Mum- we will be moving just before you get out. We're moving down to Yatley. You both will be going to the college there.
Kai- when was I gonna know about this?
Mum- the plan was to tell you when Rose left and tell her through a visit or letter maybe even a phone call but then I decided that it would be best to tell you both together not that it's a big deal because Rose will be coming to live with us when she gets out anyway.
Kai- Rose? Did you pack your medication?
Rose- yeah but I left some out for the morning so I'll be dopey in the morning and sleepy all day.
Mum- I've told the guards and the counsellor there and they will let you sleep when you get there after they have told you everything you need to know and shown you around.
Rose- oh okay thank you
*the rest of the night went really fast and before Rose knew it she was waking up in the morning ready to leave on her six hour drive to her new home for the next year*

Delinquent (A Max and Harvey Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora