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*January the start to a new year Max and Rose aren't together they flirt a lot though*
Councillor- *at breakfast in the food hall*'right everybody listen up! *everyone turns around and looks at him* it's time for a room change. You'll either be changing roommates or swapping rooms you will find out when you come to my office straight after this. You must come with your current roommate! Okay that is all. Enjoy your food. *he says before stepping down off of the stage.
Rose- I hope they don't change roommates
Mini- yeah we've got everything set up how we need it plus we're comfortable with each other now
Harvey- In the entirety of the time Max and I have been here we've only moved rooms once and we've always been roommates
Max- exactly besides it's easy for us to share a room we did it for a while back home and then we got moved into our own rooms but you know what I'm getting at
Jared- hey I don't even like my roommate he has these weird rules which I'm obliged to follow because he's been here longer I mean I don't even know his name he wouldn't even tell me
Max- we all know exactly who you're talking about there's been so much gossip about him for years now apparently he killed someone but no one knows if it's true or not.
Jared- so you're telling me that I've been roomies with a potential murderer for they passed year
Olivia- it's fine babe he wouldn't be able to do anything anyway there isn't anything in here to use to kill someone I mean come on the knives and forks are plastic and the chefs kitchen knives are locked away with only a key that they own. So you're okay
Guard- okay everyone in an orderly fashion down to the councillors office and then line up outside there!
*everyone files out and heads to the councillors office*
*after about 20 minutes of waiting it's finally Rose and Mini's turn*
Councillor- hi ladies. Please take a seat *he said with his usual cheery smile*
Mini- please don't tell me that we're changing roommates sir
Councillor- I'm sorry but because you guys are best friends you've had that bonding time together plus you work with each other and we need you to look out for the younger inmates. So Rose you're roommate is Leo Mills and you'll be in the same room as now. Mini your roommate is Lucy Holme and you'll be moving down to the west wing of the building in the second room that you get too her roommate has already been moved out so you can just move right in the guards have already moved your things so you just have to walk straight down there to put them where you want them.
Rose- Leo Mills? Great.
Councillor- is that a problem? Will you guys fight?
Rose- no no it's just fine sir
Councillor- okay girls you are dismissed
*they both get up and walk back to the food hall where they are greeted by there friends*
Max- so Harvey and I got split up. They want the orders to be with the youngers to show them the ropes *he rolls his eyes*
Olivia- I got some weird kid with glasses I've just got back from seeing her now
Jared- yeah I got some with a girl who's like 12 she looks psycho never mind has been psycho
Harvey- I got a boy who's around Leo's age he seems alright he's kinda quiet so I'm gonna have to watch out for that one
Max- I got a boy who's also around Leo's age he said he said his parents house on fire and that he used to go around the street killing dogs and cats for fun so I might just die in my sleep
Mini- I got a girl her name is Lucy Holme I haven't met her yet but she's all the way down on west wing i don't know what she's done but I'm sure I will find out
Jared- hey I'm down on west wing I'll walk down there with you when work is done
Rose- well I'm in the same room and I got a boy also around Leo's age that has done a lot of stealing and vandalism and also has dabbled in drug dealing and also set his house on fire with his little sister asleep upstairs when he was supposed to be babysitting her
Harvey- okay either that's someone who has done the exact same things as Leo or
Max- Harvey it is Leo *he face palms*
Harvey- I was just about to say that
Max- Rose be careful with him. He might seem sweet and innocent right now and he feeds you information but he's also a pathological lier. He will lie through his teeth and keep on lying even when he's been caught out
Rose- okay I'll keep that in mind and not take anything he says seriously until I ask you guys first
Guard- okay get your arses to work!
*they all walk down to the centre where they see Leo already there*
Leo- you alright roomie? *he says going to put his arm around Rose*
Rose- don't push it Mills *she says swatting his arm away*
Max- what did I do now?
Rose- not you Max I meant Leo
Max- what did he do now?
Rose- just same old same old
Guard- guys you need to work we're having an inspection today
*as soon as they heard those words they got straight to it*

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