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*after 3 weeks of being there Rose had managed to make friends with the two boys that everyone was scared of and didn't know anything about. Become best friends with two girls that she would have never even thought about being friends with in her normal life (Mini and Olivia) and she had scared off and battered the most annoying and "popular" girl there. With only two months added on to her sentence. She'd also managed to become close friends with a computer genius who also happens to be the funniest most caring person she has ever met and to make it even better they were all in the same friendship group*
Jared- *waves in front of Rose's face* Roseeee you're daydreaming again. Rose!
Rose- *jumps out of her skin and then looks at him* huh? What's up? What'd I miss?
Harvey- *laughs* what's going on in that head of yours?
Max- must be interesting because she's literally been ignoring the councillors speech for the passed 10 minuets *he laughs*
Rose- I can't even remember what I was thinking about. It's like a dream when you wake up you can't remember
Olivia- that's the meds love they're kicking in
Rose- they have never done that before though and I've been on them for years
Olivia- they have put you on a stronger dose didn't you pay attention to the colour of them?
Rose- no should I have done?
Mini- well if you want to know what you're taking
Olivia- the pink ones are what you've always taken right? And your body have become immune to them because of how long you have been taking them and they're pretty weak. Your ADHD has obviously progressed a lot more and gotten worse so they have had to put you on a higher dose and stronger tablets. Show me your tablet package
Rose- *rummages through her pockets and pulls out a package* here
Olivia- these are the purple ones. These are the strongest ones you can get. You're on the same meds as me. Welcome to the world of daydreams and forgetfulness. And even more hyperness
Rose- great as if I wasn't dosed up on loads of medication already *she rolls her eyes*
Olivia- it gets easier I promise
Mini- guys I have something to tell you
Everyone- what is it?
Mini- I've been moved to your job because Grace took my place and we don't get along and there's nowhere else they can put me
Rose- fucking finally
Councillor- language young lady!
Rose- can we just get on with our jobs now? This speech is boring me
Councillor- do you know I usually wouldn't let this go but because you have ADHD I will let you off with a warning. Go and get some energy out, everyone is dismissed *he walks off stage and everyone turns to look at Rose*
Rose- BIG WHOOP I HAVE ADHD IM NOT A MONKEY IN A CAGE AT THE ZOO YOU ALL DON'T HAVE TO STARE AT ME! *she yells to the whole hall and again everyone is shocked but doesn't say anything and goes back to what they're doing*
Max- okay McGuire let's get you the the sports centre I think you have some energy that you need to burn off. *he says grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up to walk with them to their job*
*they're walking to the spots centre when Rose finally stops and says something*
Rose- let go of me Max! I'm not a child! I can walk myself! *she says while forcing herself out of his grasp* just leave me the fuck alone! Everyone leave me alone! *she says while grabbing the front of her head and sliding down the wall behind her*
Harvey- what do we do? *he says looking concerned at Olivia*
Olivia- uh right everyone move away from here like now. Go the the centre I've got this.
*everyone leaves and it's just Rose and Olivia in the hall*
Olivia- hey right look at me *she says while picking roses face up so they're facing each other* hold this *she says while placing memory foam into her hand* squeeze it has hard as humanly possible. And keep doing it until you feel the anger flow through you.
*10 minuets later*
Rose- okay I'm fine now
Olivia- being on new meds is a bitch you'll get used to it. It's just bringing on the hyperness and the anger a lot quicker now and because Max treat you like a child just then because he wanted to get you there before this happened it brought it on quicker
Rose- I guess I better go apologise for Max then
Olivia- yes so come on *she says while pulling Rose up*
*in the sports centre*
Rose- hey Mills can I talk to you?
Harvey- which one?
Rose- Max
Max- what's up?
Rose- come with me a minuet?
Max- you're not gonna freak out on me again are you?
Rose- no *she says crossing her heart*
Max- okay let me finish this and I'll come over and speak to you
Rose- okay
*5 minuets later*
Max- sup McGuire?
Rose- I'm really sorry about freaking out back there I didn't mean to offend or upset you honestly I feel really bad
Max- *puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her eyes* McGuire you can't help this you know? I'm not hurt or upset I was just worried about you. You don't need to apologies for something you can't help. So it's all cool with us, you haven't lost me as a friend. We're fine. Stop worrying so much
Rose- thanks Max
Max- hey don't thank me and what happened to Mills I like it when you call me Mills *he laughs*
Rose- okay Mills *she laughs back*
*he leans in for a hug and she hugs him back. This is the first time Rose had showed any affection to anyone other than her mum and brother, and it felt good*
Guard- no touching it's against the rules
Max- it was only a hug
Rose- Mills shush you're gonna get yourself into trouble. *she turns to the guard* sorry it won't happen again sir
Mini- *to Olivia, Harvey and Jared* did she just call him sir? When was Rose ever that respectful to the guards?
Harvey- new meds *he laughs*
Jared- this place is changing her
Olivia- she's changing to impress her mum theres visitation this weekend and she wants the guards and the councillor to give her good reports and that's why she's behaving
Mini- oh yeah she's been talking to me about that all last week but I never thought she do it
Jared- stop doubting her you know she's capable of anything. I mean she went from beating someone to a pulp to helping other people in a matter of days
Rose- you guys are talking about me aren't you?
Harvey- we've never heard you call a guard sir before
Rose- I'm doing it for the good reports when they aren't around I'll be my same old self but I just have to act like I've got a little more respect so that my mum doesn't cart me off to my dads
Mini- let's hope you can keep it up
Rose- yeah hope is all we have in here

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