1: The Beginning

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Chelsea sat on the steps of her front porch, waiting for her uncle to arrive. She struggled to hold back tears and kept looking over her shoulder to make sure her step-dad wasn't coming outside. Finally, her uncle pulled up and hopped out of the car.
"Uncle Sonny!" Chelsea exclaimed. She jumped up and tightly hugged her uncle.
"What's going on? What happened?" Detective Sonny Carisi asked his niece. He went to pull away from the hug but Chelsea held on tighter. "Chels, what's wrong?"
"Can I go back to the city with you?" Chelsea didn't let go of Sonny. "I can't stay home. Please" she begged.
Sonny sighed. "Chelsea, you've gotta tell me what happened." He pushed Chelsea back so he could look at her. "Talk to me, kiddo."
"It's been a year since mom died. I really miss her and everything in the house reminds me of her. I just don't want to be here." Chelsea half told the truth. In reality, she had gotten into a fight with her step dad the night before and she wanted to get away. She hoped her uncle would buy it, which he did.
Sonny's heart broke. He loved his niece and although he lost his sister, he couldn't imagine what it must be like for her, losing her mom. "How about you spend the weekend?" He offered.
"Thank you" Chelsea sounded relieved.
"Do you need to go get your things?" Sonny asked.
"No" Chelsea answered as she grasped her backpack. "I've got it all right here."
"You asked Tyler about this?" Sonny continued, referring to her step father.
"Yes, everything's set. Can we go?" Chelsea lied again. She never asked permission from Tyler.
Sonny smiled and opened the car door for his niece. About two hours into the ride, Sonny's cell phone rang. Since he was driving, he asked Chelsea to answer it.
"Detective Carisi's phone" she answered politely.
"Hi this is Officer Grant from Syracuse Police Department can I speak with Detective Carisi?" The caller said.
Chelsea panicked. Why was the police department of her hometown calling her uncle? Did Tyler report her missing? She couldn't have Sonny finding out the real reason behind her sudden need to spend time with him so, she lied again. "No, sorry, you have the wrong number." Chelsea quickly hung up the phone and turned it off to prevent any further calls. "They were looking for someone named Susan" she told her uncle. Chelsea didn't say much for the rest of the drive. She kept thinking about the hole she was digging herself into.
"Has anyone heard from Carisi?" Lieutenant Olivia Benson asked as she came out of her office. Detectives Amanda Rollins and Fin Tutuola shook their heads. "I just got a call from Syracuse PD. His niece is missing. They couldn't reach Carisi." While Olivia was still talking, Amanda picked up her phone and dialed her colleague.
Amanda shook her head. "It went straight to voicemail."
"Keep trying him" Olivia instructed. "Fin, why don't you go head to his place? I'll call back Syracuse." Olivia reentered her office and placed the call.
Amanda was having no luck getting through to Carisi, as his phone was off. Since he wasn't at his apartment, Fin waited outside, hoping he'd come back soon. Olivia was exchanging frequent calls with the Syracuse police department, in case Chelsea's disappearance was in any way related to the unknown whereabouts of Sonny. Unfortunately, it seemed like a waiting game for when and where the two individuals were going to show up.
The remainder of the trip was more or less silent. Chelsea was still on edge and couldn't get herself to speak and Sonny wasn't going to push her. Finally, Sonny pulled into the parking garage. "Ready to go?" He broke the silence. Chelsea nodded and followed her uncle into the building. When they got off the elevator and turned the corner, they saw Fin leaning against the doorframe of Sonny's apartment.
"Where the hell have you been?" Fin asked.
"I was picking up my niece, dad" Sonny mocked, oblivious to the situation that his colleagues had been dealing with.
"Well, Liv's got some questions. For both of you." Fin said.
"Why?" Sonny asked.
Fin pointed to Chelsea "This one's been reported missing and we couldn't get in touch with you for the past two and a half hours."
Sonny looked confused. "Chels, you said you talked to Tyler."
Chelsea didn't know what to say. "I... I did. He must've forgotten" she lied.
"Well let's head to the precinct. Because right now, your step dad," Fin pointed to Chelsea, "is accusing you of kidnapping." Fin looked at Sonny.

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