part 51

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Namjoon walked outside the mansion after Jin and Yoongi dragged Jungkook to his room.He was frustrated. Everything is messed up.Their family is no longer the happy family it used to be when Deoksim was around.And he understood one thing.Deoksim is their happiness. A mafia or not.Sol-ah or not.She's their precious treasure.

He got into the street but saw a figure leaving silently. He was confused for a moment because of the familiarity he felt.But he widened his eyes realizing who was it.


The figure stopped on her track hearing his voice.She was wearing a cap and a mask.Her hands were on her pant pockets.She slowly turned back.Her eyes remained cold and empty.

Namjoon covered his mouth in happiness. Just the sight of her after 4 months is a gift for him."Princess"he mumbled walking forward. But stopped seeing Deoksim taking a step back.

Then something clicked on his mind.He remembered Jungkook's drunken words.He was talking about Deoksim. And the bartender who brought Jungkook. A bartender wouldn't do such a thing willingly.Who would take a responsibility of a drunken man in this night.And how does that bartender know where Jungkook lives when Jungkook isn't even able to talk properly. It was her.

"You brought him home right?"he asked raising his hopes.

Deoksim didn't say anything.Yes.She brought him home.She didn't leave Jungkook all alone in that bridge.She couldn't leave him like that.She knew how devastated Jungkook is just by seeing his broken figure. And she made him like that.And it hurted her.So she followed Jungkook secretly.She went to the bar following him and watch him getting drunk.He was causing troubles but Deoksim took care of everything secretly.She asked bartender to take him home and paid him.She even followed the bartender and Jungkook.She wanted to make sure that Jungkook is all safe and sound.And by now,she doesn't even know if she hates him or not.

Deoksim turned around again wanting to leave.But,

"The day you left,you lied about one thing.And now I can see it.You said you hate Jungkook the most.But it is the opposite. You love him the most"Namjoon said softly with a smile.

Deoksim clenched her jaw and fists.She wanted to deny it."you're wrong.I hate him.I hate you.I hate you all"she mumbled through her gritted teeth.

"Then why did you bring Jungkook home safely?You didn't want anything happen to him.And you don't hate us.I know it sweetheart"he said lovingly."Please,let's go inside.They will be happy to see you again.We miss you princess"

"You won't say those words if I was just Deoksim.You are saying those things because I'm sol-ah.You guys are pathetic"she spat turning to him.

Namjoon took a step forward. "That's not true sweetheart. We love both sol-ah and Deoksim.I will still say 'I miss you' even if you were not sol-ah"

Deoksim scoffed."Lies.Who loves a criminal like me?didn't you remember how you all got worked up hearing I'm a mafia.You guys definitely had the thought to kick me out hearing my job until I reveal that I'm your lost sister.Am I not right?huh?"

Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair thinking how to explain how much they love her."yes we may had that thought that time.But we would have definitely come back to you.Because we sincerely love you Deoksim.We were just shocked.Plus,our mother was murdered by a mafia.You were kidnapped by a mafia.So don't you think it is reasonable for  us to get mad?"

Deoksim fell into a silence.

"See?You think so too right?we love you Deoksim.Please come back"he pleaded.

"What about appa?even if I could forgive you all,I can't forgive him"

"He had reasons too.We can't talk here.I know you don't want to meet our let's go to the nearest coffee shop.what do you say?"he suggested giving her a comfortable choice.

Deoksim thought for a minute. It was very dangerous for her to wander around the city in this night.But she still wanted to listen.Not because she wanted to know the truth but because she wanted to spend a little time with Namjoon. Her heart was longing.Even though she denied the fact that she still loves them,her heart wanted that warmth.

So she gave him a small nod.Namjoon smiled.He brought her to the nearest coffee shop.They both ordered coffee before starting the conversation.

Namjoon explained why their father had to take those decisions.Deoksim was all silent.She was just staring at her coffee.

"I know whatever we say,we can't change the fact that you were the one who suffered the most.But we all were helpless individually"he said sadly."Appa didn't have a choice.Jungkook was just a kid who was scared for his life.We were fooled to think you were dead"

Deoksim was blank.She wasn't shocked or surprise to hear the truth.She was just tired.Tired of everything.

"I know you still can't forgive us.We never experienced what you went through. Still,maybe if we try,we can start a new life.Take your time to forgive us but let us make you happy. Let us take care of you from now on"

Deoksim smiled painfully. She's not made for happiness. "Sounds nice"she whispered.

Namjoon raised his hopes.But,

"But I can't. You don't know my life.I can't come back to you guys now"she mumbled still staring at her black coffee.

"Why?You don't need to forgive us yet---"

Deoksim cut him off."no it's not because of that"


Deoksim looked at him with sad eyes."Appa abundant me to keep all of us alive.And now I'm doing the same thing.It's better if you don't get involved in my life anymore"

Namjoon creased his forehead in confusion. "What do you mean? You were with us perfectly fine.But why not now?"

Deoksim chuckled."I only came there for a vacation. I already knew that I'll have to leave you all one day.It's not because of appa,Jungkook or you all.It's my personal business"Deoksim smiled softly. "I don't belong to there.I never was.And I never will be"with that she stood up.

Namjoon also stood up in rush.He still wanted to try."what about your mother?she misses you.She cries everyday because of you"

Deoksim looked at him with a smile."Please take care of her.She loves kids.Please be good kids to her"

"Jungkook? What about him?he's not himself since the day you left us.He's going insane.He needs you Deoksim.He blames himself for everything which happened to you.He even self harmed by cutting his wrists"

This made Deoksim shock.She widened her eyes hearing it.

"He needs you Deoksim. You two were born together. Slept together cuddling to each other.Played together. Fought together.He can't bear to see you hating him.He's under a lot of pressure.Please atleast think about him"he pleaded."Taehyung, Jimin,Hoseok,Jin,yoongi, we all need you"

For a moment,Deoksim wanted to forget everything and run to them.But,she saw a red dot on her chest alarming every sensors in her brain.She widened her eyes and ran out of the shop leaving Namjoon dumbfounded.

Deoksim ran outside the shop.Namjoon got worried seeing her suddenly running away.So he ran after her.She ran with her full speed.Namjoon chased her.

"Deoksim!wait!what's happening?!"


Namjoon stopped on his track hearing a gun shot.His heart dropped.But luckily Deoksim was safe.She stopped on her track for a moment.The road was deserted.No people since it's midnight. She looked back to see Namjoon frozen on his spot.

Her eyes widened seeing the red dot on Namjoon's chest.Her instincts got her and she ran towards him.

"Deoksim? "Namjoon whispered seeing her running back to him.He didn't know what's happening.

Before he could utter a word,she hugged him.


Namjoon's whole face was covered by blood.


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