Chapter THIRTY

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Ace Greyson

Every soft sigh that leaves her parted, pouty lips sends a shooting spark of satisfaction through my searing veins.. I'm hypnotised by the way her soft curves move against the hard angles of my chest, the feather-light weight of her tiny body relaxing into me..

Her floral perfume floats in the air around me and her silky blonde hair brushes against my cheek and her full, round ass grinds back and forth over my cock...

Goddamn.. She smells so good, and her skin is impossibly smooth beneath my fingertips as I taste her sugary kiss..

Having her in my grasp like this, is almost too surreal.. That she would trust me.. Share herself with me so intimately, despite her scars..

Part of me doubts any of this is even real.. My own thoughts fighting against me, telling me that this is all just temporary.. Or that I'm probably just some kind of safe experience for her..

I want so badly to be good enough for Lacey.. To be the man that she needs..

Though, I wonder if I really am?

And If I were a better guy, I'd probably just ask her..


But I don't.. I'm not going to question any of it for a second.. No, I'm going to hold on to her for as long as I can.. At least until she realises just how out of my league she is..

I toy with the ends of her hair as her eyes flutter open to peer up at me and she hums contentedly.. "Mmmmm.. That was..."

I grin at her, I don't know if I'll ever get used to just how fucking cute she is.. "Yeah?"

She giggles, nodding as she sits up and wriggles around to face me, her cheeks flushed a rosy pink and her pupils wide and excited..

Fuck me.. A smouldering heat burns in my chest as I watch her intently..

"Amazing.." She leans forward, pressing her sugary lips to mine, only stoking the rabid hunger she has enticed..

As her hands slip over my shoulders and chest, down to my abs where she plucks at the hem of my T-shirt, a sudden awareness brings me crashing back to reality.. "Lacey, wait--"

Her stormy slate eyes flicker with worry as she draws back, her lovely heart shaped face tilted to one side in confusion.. "You don't want me to?"

I huff out a guilty sigh.. "It's not that, Baby-doll.. I want you.. So fucking bad.. But you don't have to do this.. I mean.. I don't expect--"

She smiles sweetly, bringing a finger to my lips.. "Shhh.. I want this.. I want you.."

I obediently shut my mouth, though I can't help but wince, raising my arms as she reaches to lift my shirt over my head, I can her her horrified gasp at the nasty state she finds beneath.. What I had been hiding from her.. "Oh my god!.. Ace! W-what happened to you?!"

Her wide eyed, tortured gaze travels over the dark purple and yellow bruises that cover my ribs, spanning the entirety of my torso, marking the places where Rafferty and his new herd of sheep belted me with two foot of rebar through a phonebook a week ago..

While the distribution of force provided by the thick stack of pages may have saved my bones from breaking, the heavy impact had still left more than enough superficial damage..

Definitely not the worst beating I've taken.. Not even close.. "It's nothing.."

Her eyes begin to tear up as she reaches out, her delicate fingers brushing lightly over the discolored skin.. "No, but.. You said-- You said you weren't hurt.. This.. This is so bad, Ace.."

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